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  1. txag

    Plant Looking sick, advice needed

    Moved her into some soil w/ dolomite lime, rinsed rootball off. Watering 4 oz at at time to avoid overwatering (fish emulsion/RO water) Looking like problem solved (for now)... Heres a few pics from today. Thanks all for the help!
  2. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I'll prob veg another 2-3 weeks, as my space is somewhat limited. Shes certainly getting happier and healthier. Growth is starting to accelerate again. I think I finally got everything under control. Thanks all who chimed in and offered advice and insight!
  3. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I have a bedside fan blowing across the top of the plant and across the lights. Are you talking about the stems on the tops? theyre only about 1.25" long
  4. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Okay so i went ahead and mixed some lime and organic soil, repotted, and gave her 4 oz water. I think she is starting to look better. tops have grown ~3/4". Would like to hear yalls input
  5. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Makes sense. The new tops are finally starting to grow. Hopefully once I get my ph problem fixed and the lime has a chance to work she will take off. MG worked my first grow, but ive learned my lesson :clap: Going to dress now. Thanks everyone, ill give yall an update in a few days!:peace:
  6. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Looks powdered... Heres a pic. If I've already planted do i need to remove her from soil, mix in the lime, then replant? And I bought some fish emulsion fertilizer, will it work during veg?
  7. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Thanks for the quick response, whitebb!
  8. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I also picked up some dolomite lime today to mix in with my soil. How much lime should I mix if my plant is in a 1 gal container?
  9. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Okay, do I got a ph kit from petco (for aquarium, will it work?) Anywho, I ph'd my tap & bottled water. Tap came out ~7.6, and bottled was 6.6-6.8 I want to test the runoff, but am apprehensive about watering any more right now. What should I do?
  10. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I leave the water on the counter for 2 days to dissolve any chlorine. In my op i actually meant a lockout as opposed to just a def. I'm getting a more accurate ph kit today so that I can get a better handle on my ph. I'm going to let her be for 2 days then check and see how she looks. imo...
  11. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I was using tap water
  12. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I used RO water, which is what caused me to think that
  13. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    I should have done some research before topping her. her 2 new main branches have started growing, but theres some other problems. Her new growth is all twisted, and the brown spots have spread, along with the leaf discoloration. I think It is a cal/mag def. I used bottled water to moisten...
  14. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    Thanks so much. I also topped about 6 days ago, so that slowed growth quite a bit.
  15. txag

    Plant looking like shit, please help

    So my girl is 23 days old now. Growing in mg organic soil w/40% perlite. Feeding 1/8 strength mg nutes (foxfarm ordered and on the way). The 3 finger leaves look the worst, but some of the 5's are starting to discolor as well. (my guess is a combo of too much water and nute burn, but im a newb)...
  16. txag

    Plant Looking sick, advice needed

    So my girl is 23 days old now. Growing in mg organic soil w/40% perlite. Feeding 1/8 strength mg nutes (foxfarm ordered and on the way). The 3 finger leaves look the worst, but some of the 5's are starting to discolor as well. PH got up to 7.8, flushed and brought it down to 6.5. Any advice...
  17. txag

    Second Grow- Blue Dream CFL Closet Grow

    Beefed up my reflector today and added 2 more lights. Now at 9600 lumens .
  18. txag

    Second Grow- Blue Dream CFL Closet Grow

    21 days out of soil. A few pics from today. New growth is finally starting where I topped. Growth is still kind of slow, but the stalk is starting to thicken up so I think some growth may be coming soon
  19. txag

    Second Grow- Blue Dream CFL Closet Grow

    Growth seems to be slowed quite a bit.
  20. txag

    Second Grow- Blue Dream CFL Closet Grow

    Started LST today. Also changed my lighting up. I'm now using an entertainment center that I built a reflector for out of particleboard. Planning on getting some aluminum tomorrow for he underside of the reflector. any thoughts would be appreciated!