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  1. C

    flowers vs. buds... a little confused

    here are a couple pix: so, are these males?
  2. C

    flowers vs. buds... a little confused

    Thanks guys, but this is what has me bewildered, throughout its growth it has never had balls, only hairs. That would indicate to me that its a female.
  3. C

    Welcome New Members!

    I've been growing on and off for about fifteen or twenty years. Usually end up with pretty decent product. Have an Ebb/Flow Hyhdro set up for up to six plants under a 400w HD. Of course like everybody, I occaisionally run into problems, and it's always good to have freinds that you can come to...
  4. C

    flowers vs. buds... a little confused

    I'm a little confused. I read in several sources about the "flowering stage" and I've even seen on this board questions like "how long does flowering last?" Well, I've got a pretty big plant that's just covered with flowers and has been for about a month (maybe going on two), In the past I've...