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  1. J

    Ebay Link For Soil Admendments

    Hi I want make my own super soil and I don't really want buy a ton of different bags and boxes since I am only growing 4 plants under a 400 watt so here is the link I am looking at for sum soil amendments I just want to check what u all think before I buy or even if I should buy at all...
  2. J

    Idea For 1 Bucket Under Current System (Photoshop BluePrint PICS!!)

    so ya another forum i posted on put this witch i never knew cuz i have never done hydro: Moving the water does nothing here. The reason you move it in a multiple bucket system is to keep the EC and pH the same. They make single bucket setups at CCH2O, basically a bucket with an airstone is...
  3. J

    Idea For 1 Bucket Under Current System (Photoshop BluePrint PICS!!)

    Hi Rollitup so last night i was so bored and stoned and looking at hydro systems on the internet such as Under Current System and every signal Under Current System I seen has a ton of buckets so me being broad/stoned and the graphic designer I am I opened up photoshop and decided to make my own...
  4. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    lol but ya it will be up and running this friday and for the person asking what kind of seed it is, it will be few bag seeds but all of them were pulled out of great med buds i got
  5. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    thx lol o ya u got a link to it, I gatta post a journal now to show all these people up lol and if this was made of wood i would have never heard shit but yet it would go up in flames just as easy and burn harder and longer.
  6. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    lol ya but then again mass production of products dose not mean they are all safe they cant check them all just go to google and look up ballast fires or grow room fires bet u find a good amount just cuz a major compay makes it and has safty checks dose not mean shit just look at all the car...
  7. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    lmao FIRE!!! pffff this is not my first time growing or even second i have been doing this a long time now and fire is never ganna happen but thx for your worries and o ya all the equiment is it has been test for long periods before and just for the worries i shall start a grow journal of this...
  8. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    lol Electricity and cardboard obviously dont sound to safe but would u say the same thing if the box was made of wood i would assume that wood and electricity don't go together as good ether and also electricity and plastic cant go well togeather eather but still lots of people use wood or...
  9. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    this is just an updated model of an older one i made with same parts I ran it on 24/7 for 2 weeks str8 and it works like a charm the lights are only 23 watt's eatch I can grab them with my bare hand and also no lights are even that close to anything and the pc fan is just the normal wired to a...
  10. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    no its the reflective tape
  11. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    I was also thinking of installing a Digital Thermometer in the lower part of the front door like so:
  12. J

    Gangster ShoeBox Grow Room Design

    wat up rollitup so i was broad last night and my friend was talking about micro grows and how he wanted to do like a 2 gram cola seed to flower so I made this box out of shit laying around the house i can also use this for a tiny clone box to so if u got an questions just ask.
  13. J

    ELP! Wired Looking Spots My 8th Grow & Never Seen Spots Like This (HD PICS!!!!)

    hi all i am having trouble with my plant its starting to get brown spots and they don't look like calcium deff or any kind of burn, i am giving it grow big and alittle microbe brew but what can be causing this i have been vegging for 3 months now and never seen any spots and i didn't see any...
  14. J

    Help Me With Cactus Identification (HD PICS) SUPER CLEAR

    i know what Peyote looks like and would love to find sum but thats not around here
  15. J

    Help Me With Cactus Identification (HD PICS) SUPER CLEAR

    all the ones in the pics are 10+ years old i was thinking the first one looks like san pedro im just not forsure
  16. J

    Help Me With Cactus Identification (HD PICS) SUPER CLEAR

    Ok SWIM lives down the street from all these cactus's and was wondering what kind they are? as well as can i extract mescaline from any of them? 3 pics of just one of the cacti: -------------------------------------------------------- Diffrent type...
  17. J

    (Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

    pics like these 2 make me think it is mag def:
  18. J

    (Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

    heres another pic of sum random leafs i took off to compare to a normal leaf color:
  19. J

    (Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

    Ok so out of the people that posted so far these are the problems they think it can be: 1.feed more 2.foliage feed 3.temperature change from warm to cold night temps 4.PH 5.Light to Close
  20. J

    (Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

    but why now out of all the long grows iv done with just r/o no ph no cal mag and they were 3ft tall i have had yellowing before idk why but i never seen my plant turn this wired lime green color and not yellow out or anything