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  1. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    and to flush i just put 2x water to soil then just let dry out pretty much or am i missing sumthing never flushed a plant before and is it a 1 time thing
  2. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    so by flushing it with ph balanced water it should put the soil at the recommend ph right
  3. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    could it be salt build up in the soil?
  4. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    see the big fan leaf color its like lime green here is a week into flowering look how it used to look green of it. i never flushed when switching to flowering
  5. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    soil have no idea wat kind of soil i was given this plant it was high at first got a tiny burnt so i lowered it down i am giving them nutes every other day temp is around 83 ph i live in a city so i am getting around 7.5 ph water
  6. J

    taco leafs and yellowing help

    wat could be wrong with my plants top cola leafs yellowing and its only 1st day of 4th week and also looking like a taco so wat should i do all other leafs or green and looking healthy buy thoes ones. all the huge fan leafs are a lime green color look like they wanna go yellow help plz
  7. J

    12/12 - 11/13 - 10/14

    i am hearing alot of talk about 11/13 and 10/14 as of now i am on 12/12 but i am thinking about getting 6 weeks into flowering and throwing it to 11/13 wat effects dose this have on the plant? and another person was saying he grows 12/12 during flowering for about 6 weeks then swtiches to 11/13...
  8. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    i am almost giving it a half gal of water and if i dont water by 4 oclock every day it start to wilt so damn bad so i water every day ,nutes every other day
  9. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    anyone* bump
  10. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    here sum more pics of yellowing leafs
  11. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    i found this they say your leafs will be yellow with a purple read underneath on the veins it says its fron (N) so dose this mean add more check it out tell me wat u think i should do
  12. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    anyone help
  13. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    u mean add more nutes to the 1 gall
  14. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    the bloom booster has (N)......15% (p2o5)........30% (k2o).......15% there is no way i am over ferting it no way
  15. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    i am useing bloom booster but there is no way it is burning it i am only putting a small small small amount to a 1 gal it only started this a wekk ago so a full 2 weeks was with nutes and it was green and healthy it is only 3 weeks in to flowering almost 4 weeks and it is only the top top leafs
  16. J

    Help yellowing leafs

    so i need sum help ok so i know the bottom leafs edges are yellow but thats from nute burn and i cut back on nutes so wat i am really wondering is why are those top leafs like full yellow i give the plant 2 cups a water a day and nutes every other day all the other leafs are green just those...