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  1. K

    HELP...Damn Rodents

    Ok so i went down to see my plot the other day an found a very unfortunate sight. About five inches of the stem on one of my plants from the ground up had the bark completely stripped off. If i remember correctly this is where the xylem and phloem are located, therefore isnt it going to die? I...
  2. K

    can you root a clone without hormones?

    great replies from everyone, thanks.
  3. K

    Anyone Got Their Crop Stolen?

    good rule of thumb, never tell anyone, and yes that includes your best friend from childhood who you smoke with every day. Just not worth it.
  4. K

    can you root a clone without hormones?

    i was jw because some damn rodent bit off a nice branch on one of my females so i figured what the hell and took off the largest leaves, cut the end, soaked some soil, stuck it in and put an empty plastic gallon jug over it to act at like a humidity dome haha we will see. just curious mostly.
  5. K

    can you root a clone without hormones?

    Lets just say if i were to cut a clone, take off the large fan leaves/ clip them and put it in some really moist soil with high humidity would it be possible to root itself without using rooting hormones?
  6. K

    found a male, IN VEG ROOM!

    plants will show sex prior to flowering. it just wont go into full blown flowering, it is preflowering meaning its mature.
  7. K

    jarring buds for curing?

    checkk out the harvesting and curing section.
  8. K

    is this a male?

    haha i think that is what is confusing me the most because arent balls typically in the node?
  9. K

    is this a male?

    I would agree that it couldnt be a calyx that large as a preflower and no hair haha leading to the conclusion of a male. Im going to wait a few days just to be positive but the future is looking bleak for this dude.
  10. K

    is this a male?

    hahah i didnt even notice the chart is a solid chart of some basic plant biology nevertheless
  11. K

    is this a male?

    I plan on trying to cook with it haha, but its all part of playing the game, some are males and i get that, but its alright because i have some nice females to ease the burn of me cutting him.
  12. K

    is this a male?

    picture one doesnt really show anything conclusive but pictures two and three show that growth with the ball-like thing hanging down,and i think that is what is making me think male because i just dont see what else it could be.
  13. K

    is this a male?

    just wondering it think it looks like a ball but not sure. some more experienced input is needed.
  14. K

    Yellowjackets! need help.

    i would observ the area from a distance for a while and you will begin to see where the yellowjackets leave and enter then if it is in your pots i would leave it and let them guard your plants till harvesting time, get hornet spra and kill them the day of harvest so your plant doesnt have...
  15. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    also any thoughts on pictures two and three being male balls?
  16. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    The area they are in is really wet spongy ground, i also use a layer of organic material on the surface of the pots to retain moisture. I just water them a few times a week depending on the weather, and also use organic fertilizer. I really do wish i could get them into the ground but this is...
  17. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    wow and im sorry most of these are turned, if a mod could help me out that would be great.
  18. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    the last three are pictures of the two plants that i think might be two largest. Other than that i know for sure i have four females, one is too young and two i believe are those developing into males. One AK47 and the rest are Cali Big Bud. In total there are 7, two that i started...
  19. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    btw, about your three leaf plant, i have seen that pheno express itself in a few other plant on here. I personally think its kind of cool just because it is unique. I dont believe it would effect the yield of the plant, but for a guerrilla grower that plant would be ideal! it really doesnt look...
  20. K

    2011 New England Adventures

    oh btw im from CT haha and this is my second grow (i grew one female last year pretty late). Anyways i got my girls outside in may, sprouted them on 4/20, and i was wondering when plants in the northeast usually start flowering?