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  1. E


    i agree looks like a random skeeter that made it somehow to your trap
  2. E

    Weird compressed weed

    ppl act crazy cuz they dont know whats really going on. one of pcps effects is mind-body dissociation. meaning you will feel like you are watching yourself rather than really doing something. as long as you have this in mind before hand, its all good. its crazy shit
  3. E

    Weird compressed weed

    i gotchu, but sarcasm cant be detected in print. PS pcp is tight
  4. E

    This a Fem?.. Yellowing on couple leaf tips NEW PIX

    its not being rude, its truth. sorry if i hurt ur wittle feelings, awww. like i said i would start over. if you do save it, the yield will be soooooo small. is not worth the effort or electricity
  5. E

    trouble buying seeds

    they are good at scaring ppl into shit. they will really make it sound like you have to let them in. If they give the excuse of smelling pot(even if they dont) they can come into your house
  6. E

    rooting powder

    100% perlite
  7. E

    trouble buying seeds

    personally i wouldnt order seeds online. customs is starting to catch on to the methods used to stealth ship seed. ive heard stories of state police being delivered to your door instead of seeds. i wont risk that shit. if you really feel the need to order tho. use a prepaid visa, fake name, and...
  8. E

    Weird compressed weed

    word your post better, and dont be a asshole. many ppl think that is true. Yay for you for not being one of the retards. PS didnt directly call ne1 retarded, ya fucking d-bag:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
  9. E

    This a problem or am I just being too anal about my plant's health.. (pics inside!)

    ther is several diff kinds of miracle gro, its a brand not a product
  10. E

    Lowering Temps

    75 plus or minus a lil
  11. E

    This a problem or am I just being too anal about my plant's health.. (pics inside!)

    Miracle gro is bomb if you know how to use it, start with 1/4 strength
  12. E

    male or female????PICS!!!

    I still strongly disagree, as a matter of fact that last pic looks more male than anything
  13. E

    Few basic questions

    75 is ideal temp.and yes if you dont want nosey neighbors inquiring into the strong pot odor get a carbon filter
  14. E

    male or female????PICS!!!

    dude it is not sexed yet, your wrong. yes it may be a female, but you cant tell yet
  15. E

    male or female????PICS!!!

    If your talking about the green points those are not pistils either. just more growth. Looks really good and healthy though, just not sexed yet, give it time, it will show. Preflower Pistils will be white and no other color The brown i see is normal and nothing to worry about, your doing very...
  16. E

    This a Fem?.. Yellowing on couple leaf tips NEW PIX

    poor little guy, dont know what youve been doing, but that looks like shit. Thats the saddest excuse of a cannabis plant i have ever seen. I would start over with more research Look stretched as a mother fucka, look how much space is inbetween your nodes. I only see like two main nodes...
  17. E

    male or female????PICS!!!

    yeah still to young. there are no preflowers on it. those brown things are not pistils. It has not sexed yet, period
  18. E

    Cure potency vs Non Cured potency

    curing is essential. i know its hard to wait, but its a waste to smoke your crop before its cured. be patient and you will have the DANK:blsmoke::peace:
  19. E

    Weird compressed weed

    dude embalming fluid is not pcp. retarded ppl thhink it is bcuz embalming fluid is slang for pcp. not at all the same thing
  20. E

    *** bigger and faster in soil ***

    yea look at that buddy before you talk shit. Peace and Love. And you know your shit first:peace: