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  1. daddytroll

    First Grow First Post

    I know the pics are blurry, but can anyone tell how cloudy my trichs are if they are. Not experienced at looking at them and telling what they're supposed to look like. I know i still have time left, just curious as to what the % of potency its at now vs. what it will be at harvest time...
  2. daddytroll

    First Grow First Post

    I see what your talking about now man. I can see those little things growing little by little. Def may be frostier then the berry being as its only day 18. I don't know about the redding though. i know the 10 degree drop is how the plant gets its color tint i believe. but are your leaves below...
  3. daddytroll

    First Grow First Post

    I must say man you are doing an excellent job. I've never messed with any cfls, but congrats sir.
  4. daddytroll

    Weird question on a theory

    oh yes. my bud is clean even tho i have added these products. Taste just like a very clean smoke pretty much.
  5. daddytroll

    Weird question on a theory

    just an idea what if you soaked the roots the day you were going to cut maybe a couple hours say 2. 2 hours with a shit full of apples in the resevoir. ?? you will cut it exactly in two hours of that time. Would it effect anything? that is something to try. If no one has tried this before that...
  6. daddytroll

    Nutes for Aero?

    I have used GH and Advanced Nutes. They both work great in my opinion. It only depends on what you want to do. AN cost shit much more, but its organic. And GH is 2 bottles with the lucas formula like everyone is saying and costs a ton less. You can get a gallon of each 3 bottles for like 90...
  7. daddytroll

    Help! Spider mites all over my buds!

    Liquid lady bug killss them off but they keep coming back. I must have millions. I've cleaned and disinfected everything. But its going to pretty much be like this till harvest im a week away from flushing. 3 more weeks. And I myself live in a very bad spot for pest this time of year. Lol the...
  8. daddytroll

    Help! Spider mites all over my buds!

    i have ordered liquid lady bug as well. Problem is it wont be here till some time this week. Prolly the end of the week. Hopefully it will not be too late. thats where i got it
  9. daddytroll

    Help! Spider mites all over my buds!

    I noticed someone said liquid ladybug. How well does this product work? I've read good reviews on it. I'm suffering the same problem 2 weeks before harvest. Im looking to battle them out for the 2 weeks left then its on to another location for me. Quite a small war has began. +1 on blasting...