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  1. thecalculator

    Is this a good LED light?

    Hi guys, How is the following LED Light? 1) High power 600W led grow panel (Equal to 1600-1850W MH/HPS) color - red, blue and orange. will add some white into the mix. Emitting color - Red, Blue. Wavelength (in nm) - 620-660 & 430-470 Luminous Flux (Lm) - 24000 Central...
  2. thecalculator

    Seek advice on the following nutrients;

    Perfect guide. Thank you! Hope to finish by Christmas. Would be ideal, may pick up some autoflowering strains this week. Will post an update soon as i get the chance. Thanks for the answers dude.
  3. thecalculator

    Seek advice on the following nutrients;

    thanks for the reply man. yeah my potting soil contains both Ca and S....though in small quantities. Should be enough since i am growing in large pots. Is CalMag, Epsom Salt required throughout the life-cycle, i.e. is it required in vegetative phase or flowering only? it is a pity that we...
  4. thecalculator

    Seek advice on the following nutrients;

    thanks for the answer. yeah, the nutes seem familiar to Miracle Grow. I remember a friend using it in the States. It worked quite well for him. So I believe it will work but it has to be severely diluted and ph checked also. How significant are the forgotten macronutrients? Doesn't normal...
  5. thecalculator

    Seek advice on the following nutrients;

    hi to all, i would like some advice on the following nutrients which i will be using for my second grow; the strains are Nirvana Maui Waui and Nirvana Bubblelicious. they will be grown under 600 W MH/HPS in a 4x4 mylar clad tent. there is plenty of good potting soil where i live and pots...
  6. thecalculator

    Video fkn games

    GTA liberty CIty.
  7. thecalculator

    Ants killed my plants!!!

    i got the same problem man. i have to wake up in the night and check the plant with a torch and then start killing ants. my plant just germinated though or is still in the process depends on how u look at it.
  8. thecalculator

    65 gallon pots, hot as hell and DRY

    thanks dude. i had no idea that one could force bloom a plant. So fert with higher P-K will force bloom/ Is that right
  9. thecalculator

    Outdoor Grow 2010

    master kush., and yes i will post pics as soon as i get a digitsl cam. btw, do you think it is possible to vegetate a plant for 4-5 months. guess the yield would be huge but then when exactly does a plant know when to flower. if you are not manipulating light cycles or any of that.
  10. thecalculator

    Outdoor Grow 2010

    very nice. my seed germed today, took me slightly under 24 hrs. going to do the transplant in a little bit.
  11. thecalculator

    Outdoor Grow 2010

    looks nice mang keep up the good work. are you growing this indoors or outdoors? Looks like you started indoors
  12. thecalculator

    65 gallon pots, hot as hell and DRY

    hey mang, I too am starting an outdoor grow and I am thinking whether to plant directly in soil. Any particular benefit of planting in the soil? Other than the obvious security issue. Thats cause i am seriously debating whether to do so. If the soil in my backyard is very very fertile will it...
  13. thecalculator

    Some advice on new grow.

    for how long should i use the CFL lights? Does 5 weeks vegetative with 16 hrs of light under CFL (about 5 bulbs - say 6000 lumens) sound okay. thing is i am going to grow the plant outdoors and i got a little section outside my room which acts as an outside porch. so ventilation may not be a...
  14. thecalculator

    Some advice on new grow.

    Hi guys, hope all are doing good. so i received my seeds from Nirvana and will be going in for germinating tonight. I will be going with the paper towel method but first soaking the seeds in mineral water for about 6 hrs. - seeds are Nirvana (Outdoor) MK 100% feminized. - No rush with...
  15. thecalculator

    Does Sea Breeze affect MJ development?

    i mean they tell you that metal even corrodes over time when exposed to sea spray. so surely the buds should get affected. I guess shielding them from the sides is the only option there.
  16. thecalculator

    Can 100% Feminized seeds be pollinated by random seeds.

    yeah thats what i thought too. ventilation is probably the issue. Mabye could construct a retractable roof, otherwise a container is ideal..could mabye have 20 plants growing at the same time. beautiful that would be .
  17. thecalculator

    Can 100% Feminized seeds be pollinated by random seeds.

    thats a good idea sparkabowl. I may just put a plywood panel to shield the plants from sea spray. on a side note, do you think coverting a shipping container into a MJ greenhouse is a good idea/
  18. thecalculator

    Does Sea Breeze affect MJ development?

    thanks for the reply Rusty Crutch. though I have read somewhere that Master Kush forms thick buds and a result they may be susceptible to a build up of mold in wet conditions. please correct me if i am wrong.
  19. thecalculator

    light leaks? does a little bit matter?

    try insulation or electrical tape. if you are able to get silicon near you then try that as it has better insulation properties.
  20. thecalculator

    Does Sea Breeze affect MJ development?

    - Good day to all. I purchases Master Kush seeds and will be splitting it with a friend. My friend lives near the beach (say about 500 yards from the beach). Can sea breeze affect the development of the MK strain? - he will be growing outdoors. If there is nothing to worry about please let...