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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Day 59 of flowering. Bagseed. 200W CFL's. Flushed 2 weeks ago thinking they would be done by now - now I am worried. Very few white hairs left for a while now, I can't tell if the calyx's are swollen or not. I can't tell if there are any amber trich's cuz I only have a 3x magnifying glass...
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    Got 14 seedlings in partycups, can they stay there till they show sex?

    ok awesome thanks. how big of pots should I transplant them to once they show sex? I plan on switching them to 12/12 once they show sex, somewhere around 1 month old. I want to keep them short and do LST, I used to use 5gal pails, I assume I need something smaller for this like maybe...
  3. M

    Got 14 seedlings in partycups, can they stay there till they show sex?

    I am using the 16oz blue ones... a few different opinions here... obviously it would be easier if I didn't have to buy any pots until I know how many ladies I have... how big of pots should I get once I do know how many ladies I have? 2,3 gallon?
  4. M

    Got 14 seedlings in partycups, can they stay there till they show sex?

    I dont feel like cutting up 14 milk jugs or whatever besides dont have that many... should I just go buy 14 pots and some soil for the next couple of weeks before I put them into their final pot? right now i have 14 seedlings at 2 weeks in partycups, last time i grew 4 females in 5 gallon...
  5. M

    Got 14 seedlings in partycups, can they stay there till they show sex?

    I got 14 seedlings in partycups going on 2 weeks old or so. Can I keep them in partycups until they show their sex? I ask because I dont want to go out and buy 14 pots and a whole lot of dirt only to find out X of them are female so I would rather wait. What do you guys think of this...
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    End of week 7 flowering when do I flush and is this sativa or indica? (pics)

    I see... Should I expect the leaves to turn yellow also? do ALL strains show fall colours? One of the two plants has more than 50% red hairs now, the other one is at 30% and it's very top is all white. it should be noted they barely drink any water, i feed them once every 7-10 days :/ I...
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    First Grow: Kuroblack's Closet CFL Adventure

    setup looks good man, gl with the grow
  8. M

    End of week 7 flowering when do I flush and is this sativa or indica? (pics)

    hmm ok thanks, a month wow, how much bigger/fatter will they get? 11 weeks is kind of long but its the only strain i have right now and im saving my money for mh/hps setup instead of new seeds. There is about 20% red hairs right now. What do I have to look forward to over the next 30 days...
  9. M

    End of week 7 flowering when do I flush and is this sativa or indica? (pics)

    wow 4 weeks left... ok that would make them 11 weeks total are they sativa dom? or just slow to flower because I am only using cfl's?
  10. M

    End of week 7 flowering when do I flush and is this sativa or indica? (pics)

    I am at the end of week 7 of flowering bagseed under CFL's. I am not sure how much time is left on these - I was planning to flush 2 weeks before they are done and I think these might be 2 weeks away right now. The pistols have started turning red/brown. They are about 25% turned right now. I...
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    I've Never Been So Scared Of Weed In My Life....

    lol eating is not like smoking. nice looking buds what you gonna do with the rest of the butter now?
  12. M

    How long does it take to get chlorophyll taste out?

    drying and curing should be done in 100% darkness you should use glass vs plastic tupperware but it will work too. you want to totally seal the lid for 12 hours then remove for 2 hrs and do this over and over
  13. M

    9 weeks into flowering.....must be ready now surely??

    let us know if the 2nd batch is bigger or better please
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    ready to harest

    its supposed to smell like that at first - dry it until the stem bends but doesnt snap, then put it in glass jars until the stems snap. open the jars every 12 hours for 3 hours at a time
  15. M

    Need advice on how to flush these huge girls, dont have enough water

    i dont have a cleaning solution. i only have a 2 gallon water container... are you saying give them 2 gal every morning? I have 4L of soil in each... or are you saying give them 8L of water everyday that makes no sense. i am so lost right now... what will happen if I use tap water that...
  16. M

    Need advice on how to flush these huge girls, dont have enough water

    I have two huge girls and they are in 25L (5gal) buckets. They have about 20L of soil in them. I usually fill up a 10L bottle of water with tap water then lit it sit for 5 days usually then give them 5L of water each. I am about 30ish days from harvesting and wondering about my final flush...
  17. M

    All Miracle Grow CFL Bagseed Grow. (1st grow)

    they look good man - shouldnt be a problem transplanting them - they look nice and healhy
  18. M

    1st CFL grow 180w bagseed - Day 69 (flowering 21 days) - how are we looking (pics)

    yeah it doesnt make any sense to me :( im baffled, maybe im just not giving them enough water when i feed them?? they seem healthy, i just wish there was bigger buds
  19. M

    1st CFL grow 180w bagseed - Day 69 (flowering 21 days) - how are we looking (pics)

    they picture is them sitting in the bath tub which is where I temporarily put them while I water them. Usually the lights are 1-3" away. I have 8 holes cut in the bottom of the buckets so I dunno how they couldn't be draining properly :( kind of confused.
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    Smell MY Pics???? Yes.....No

    they look good - hairier than mine - how much watts you using? i started from seed.