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  1. T

    Need advice from a really good plant Dr!!! Photos attatched....

    Fantastic ill get right on it... we've had a couple of weeks of 90+ degrees here so Im sure ur right about the heat although it has been really humid as well as opposed to dry but I'll still try raising the lights a bit. I just fed them yesterday too with Canna Vega A & B as well as DutchMaster...
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    Need advice from a really good plant Dr!!! Photos attatched....

    Image 1 : Leaf tips drooped down and discoloration on leaves Image 2 : Similar problem again I think Images 3 & 4 : Strange yellowy lines/blotches on all the leaves on the whole plant. Images 5 & 6 : Blue Mystic plant that i cut the top off as the buds weren't looking too healthy. These...
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    Harvesting half a plant

    So I've cut the crown off and i've cut the top branches about half way down so now the plant is about half the height it was before. Question though, on the branches i cut off half way down, will the buds on the bottom half continue to grow and develop further if i leave them growing for a few...
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    Harvesting half a plant

    Anyone got any advice for me?!
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    Harvesting half a plant

    Its a blue mystic, grown indoors however being a beginner and i think i fed it too many nutes and allowed it to develop a nasty case of spider mite so the plant was fairly stressed for the duration of the budding cycle. I'm not too sure how long its been budding for now either but its probably...
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    Harvesting half a plant

    I'm sure this has probably already been addressed but i ran a search and couldn't find anything matching my question exactly so apologies if i just missed it. I'm fairly new to this and i don't have a magnifying glass but the top of my plant is looking like its overdue to be harvested, ie...
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    Help! White powdery stuff on leaves near my precious bud!

    Hi guys, Just went to water my plants and noticed this white powdery looking stuff on the leaves which is only on the leaves near two of my buds, any suggestions?! I dont wanna lose my precious choof :cry: it does rub off when i touch it so im hoping its just something i've spilled on the...
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    i think my two AK's are pretty much ready to harvest but my mate recommended i spend a week flushing straight water through it first to get rid of any remaining chemicals, is this something i should do cause u guys know heaps more than my mate!
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    When I'm re-potting into a larger pot should i gently break up the root ball once i take it out of the smaller pot or just place it as is into the larger pot? Im worried about damaging the roots but at the same time they're so compacted at the moment that if i just put the plant into a bigger...
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    ha like i said i know nothing : ) i guess that just proves my point!
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    My knowledge is very limited but I'm using AN from Canna and the seasoned stonner at the hydro store told me to use between 3-4ml of A and 3-4ml of B...
  12. T

    How to trim?!

    Appreciate all the advice guys although I'm definitely outta my depth here weighing up the pros and cons of your different opinions so i guess i just need to experiment a bit! Are side lights expensive? Anyone got a photo of what they look like cause I'm just picturing a normal light but on its...
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    Australian Deliveries

    Cheers mate good on ya
  14. T

    How to trim?!

    Cheers mate, side lighting sounds interesting but i probably ought to get the extreme basics down packed before i start getting ahead of myself!
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Cheers mate I'll take your word for it cause i have no idea what I'm doing yet! When i cut off the bottom branches do i cut them half way along between the nodes or closer to the stem (if that's what its called?!)
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    Australian Deliveries

    Can anyone recommend a reliable seed bank to deliver to Australia? Thx
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Hi, just wandering if there's a set technique for trimming the little bottom branches off my plant and also whether i should cut off the big leaves nearer the top that are blocking the new branches from growing up underneath them? Cheers
  18. T

    36 Hours darkness before inducing flower?

    I've never heard of doing that before, sounds like good advice but does it actually work?
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    How much do you smoke a week??

    Global Weed Financial Crisis hit me hard, down to bout a Q/week : (
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    How to trim?!

    Hi guys, Rookie here! I need to trim the little branches off the bottom of my plant to increase circulation and I was just wandering if someone could tell me what the best way to do this is? I've been told just to use a sharp razor but does it matter where abouts you make the cut or what angle...