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  1. DontWorryBoutIt

    The $30,800 BCNL Big Kahuna With Cheese

    GO BIG OR GO HOME Imagine what one could do with one of these
  2. DontWorryBoutIt

    first grow ever! bagseed :0

    How much did that setup cost? Im thinking of doing something similar.
  3. DontWorryBoutIt

    Random Outdoor Planting

    Hey guys, I was just considering my options between indoor and outdoor growing and hatched an idea. What is your opinion on going out into the wilderness and planting a few seedlings at a time in random places and coming back to find them a year later? -Thx in advance:leaf:
  4. DontWorryBoutIt

    pH tester

    Yeah, i got mine here:
  5. DontWorryBoutIt

    Minimum grow/flowering room height

    You mean a grow tent? I'd need a pretty big one, cause my flowering area is going to be 3x9ft with 3x 600W lights
  6. DontWorryBoutIt

    Minimum grow/flowering room height

    Yeah, i guess i could go with 7ft. Its gonna be a pain to construct though
  7. DontWorryBoutIt

    Minimum grow/flowering room height

    Does anyone know how tall Super Lemon Haze grows? I don't think that's an indica strain
  8. DontWorryBoutIt

    Minimum grow/flowering room height

    Hey guys, im constructing a new grow room, and i was wondering what i need height-wise:confused:. Since it's indoor, i know the plants wont get that big, so is 5ft tall ok or do i need more? Thanks in advance kiss-ass
  9. DontWorryBoutIt

    How much is pot 'in bulk' in Phoenix?

    You know, sometimes i really hate living in az. Im moving to Nor Cal. End of story.
  10. DontWorryBoutIt

    How much is pot 'in bulk' in Phoenix?

    dude, im not trollin, i just asked a stupid question
  11. DontWorryBoutIt

    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    That's actually the best idea i've heard so far. I can probably (eventually, when i get the money) build a makeshift workshop right above the cave. I feel like batman already.
  12. DontWorryBoutIt

    How much is pot 'in bulk' in Phoenix?

    Ok, i was just wanting to know 'hypothetically.' And 'hypothetically' i didn't get an answer. It's all in the way you phrase the question i guess.
  13. DontWorryBoutIt

    How much is pot 'in bulk' in Phoenix?

    All im asking for is just a rough estimate, or do i have to put the question in legally acceptable terms
  14. DontWorryBoutIt

    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    I like your thinking, but i have around $0 to spend on a hot tub, and my friends definitely wouldn't want it at the back of the lot.
  15. DontWorryBoutIt

    How much is pot 'in bulk' in Phoenix?

    First off, i've already read another thread --> <-- I've got a 10x8 grow room :weed: and im planning on an 1800W setup (3x 600W). I think i'll get about a pound every 9-10 weeks (correct me if im wrong). How much will I...
  16. DontWorryBoutIt

    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    Well, as for people seeing me, i get home earlier than everyone else, so i should have plenty of time. Im also buying a duct muffler ( to conceal the fan noise. The building is water-proofed with exterior paneling and plastic above...
  17. DontWorryBoutIt

    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    wow, this got really creative. I think i'll go with the fixed box idea, cause im planning on putting a vegetable garden above it and a tool box or compost box would be the least suspicious.
  18. DontWorryBoutIt

    Air Exhaust from Underground Grow Room

    Okay, so basically, i dug a huge hole in my backyard and put a building in it. The building has hidden access, electric, and cable:hump:. My only problem, since i now live with other people, HOW DO I VENT THE DAMN THING? The 'cave' is about 200ft from the main house, but i still cant figure out...
  19. DontWorryBoutIt

    Planning an indoor grow, electricity bill is the only problem

    I was considering a small generator to pick up the bulk of the power use, since we (me and my roommates) have a rather large lot and a shed with a basement/storm shelter in the back. What's your opinion on that? (since it would be 70 extra $$ a month without one)
  20. DontWorryBoutIt

    Planning an indoor grow, electricity bill is the only problem

    Okay, so im planning a medium-sized indoor grow. For the grow and flowering rooms combined, the lights will use around 1600 watts. The space, water, and ventilation shouldn't be a problem. I just need a way of hiding the power consumption, cause that's a lot of extra watts and somebody will...