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    Opinions on first grow, flowering wk 2

    So im in the second week of flowering and just wanted to get an opinion on what you guys think. I've been using FF grow big and just switched to tiger bloom/grow big combo (usually 1-2 tsp/gal of each). Ive also been adding some sugar daddy (until I can go get some molasses) at about 1-2...
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    yellowing lower leaves and holes/lines in leaves?

    Thanks for the advice. Does neem oil work well on mites? Any ideas on the third plant?
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    yellowing lower leaves and holes/lines in leaves?

    Hey RIU, Im pretty sure I have an infestation of some kind in my outdoor garden. You can see that on two of my plants the lower leaves are yellowing and dying and on one plant, something looks like its eaten through some leaves and there are strange lines on some of the other leaves. Does...
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    had raccoons dig up my whole grow in march and had to start over. its awful man, really sorry. i use a spray i got from the local home improvement store that has wolf pee in it now. i spray that once a week around my garden and animals don't come near it anymore. you should look into it.
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    opinions on first grow

    hey everyone, i just wanted to post pics i took of my three girls this morning and see what you guys think. this is my first full grow and im honestly excited that i havent killed them off yet. they're in ff ocean forrest soil and ive been feeding them grow big 1 Tbs/gl about once every 2...
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    think you mean maoi lol. not really sure what changa is, i've heard its similar to dmt but I've never tried it. loved what you said earlier ANC about it taking your subconscious months to discern the meaning of the hallucinations. dmt is some pretty powerful stuff, but its no where near as...
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    DMT pKa question

    Hey everyone, I was rereading QT's dmt extraction tek on erowid (and this message board too: and had a question come up that I'm not too sure about and I was wondering if someone here could help me out? The pKa of DMT is 8.68...
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    Possible Nute Burn Solutions? First Timer Please Help!

    haha thanks for the encouragement woodsman, definitely got me in a better mindset. I'm going to get some FF ocean forrest and perlite tomorrow and put them in some 2-3 gallon holes I've dug pretty deep in the woods. Two things I'm worried about though: 1. How much should I water the soil...
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    Possible Nute Burn Solutions? First Timer Please Help!

    here are the really starting to get discouraged. this is my third attempt at growing and im starting to think i might just have a brown thumb :( do you think the new leaves growing in the middle of the first two plants will be healthy new growth? or have i just killed all of...
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    Possible Nute Burn Solutions? First Timer Please Help!

    Hello everyone, I am going to apologize in advance for such a noob question, but this is actually my third attempt at growing and I'm going to be devastated if I lose another batch of plants because of my inabilities to grow. Here's the story: I have four plants I've been germing in jiffy...
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    Guess that Chemical Game

    sorry...just wanted something funny :) good call xebeche. and nice one heir procter. didnt know the same substance also repels cockroaches and mosquitos until today.
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    Guess that Chemical Game

    ok hopefully this one works...
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    Outdoor Grow. Coco Soiless vs Hole with Organic soil

    not sure about coco vs. soil. it seems to me the biggest difference would be cost. soil is putting the nutes in up front and with coco youre going to have to supply all the nutrients as you go. benefit to coco is that you shouldn't have overwatering problems and ive read you can reuse it...
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    Guess that Chemical Game

    sorry I think the link doesn't work correctly...right click it and view it in a new page. and nope to sildenafil
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    Guess that Chemical Game

    think sex panther...
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    Guess that Chemical Game

    wish i could have posted sooner but i was feeling a little sleepy....chemistry joke haha but seriously, modafinil aka provigil i love chemistry!!!
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    DMT, Setting Forth to Hyperspace

    you can scratch the side of the jar if you want to help start your recrystalization process, but adding more scratches wont give you bigger/more crystals, it will only give the dmt thats already in the solution something to hold onto when it starts to solidify. as for using activated...
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    Plan and Soil Question $11 for the one i use. chlorine/chloramine shouldn't be as big of an issue as ph. make sure youre keeping the ph of your water between 6.8 - 6.4 for vegging, any...
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    DMT Extraction (question)

    great idea on the dry ice sgt. floyd. if youre in a pinch blazedmonkey, and you dont have time, evaporating in a freezer isnt necessary. naphtha evaporates at room temperature, just takes longer. be careful storing it for evaporation in an unused garage. im not sure how it looks in there...
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    hey im glad the post was successful... jealousgreen, good call on the extraction vs synthesis. pet peeve of mine i always call my friends on. if youre getting dmt from root bark or any other natural substance, youre extracting, not synthesizing. and cocobuds, good call on the sploink haha...