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  1. M

    Hempy Bucket - Greenhouse Lemon Skunk

    Yea I'm still waiting as well. There's this "Earl" guy floating around the net that's a hempy master but he never gives the exact answer to my questions above nor does any searches on google or scroogle answer those questions above afaict. We really need a hempy bucket wiki. Ive always been...
  2. M

    Hempy Bucket - Greenhouse Lemon Skunk

    It would be great if a hempy pro could chime in here. Especially on feeding/nutes. There's so many half assed explained things on the net a definitive answer would be once and for all wonderful. I'll give some examples of "half assed explained things" ala hempy..... "You just feed your plants...
  3. M

    Hempy FEEDING ec ppms and ph - kind of nutes? Succesful Schedule?

    I apparently through dumb luck had one good hempy grow. But my new hempy grow is falling apart. I've searched and looked on here about hempy info and there seems to be a shit TON of info. But... there's never any info on the right PPMS for hempy or feed schedule i.e. feed light every feeding...
  4. M

    HEMPY buckets.. Absolutely disgusted, disappointed.... 4 MONTHS shot to hell....

    Will check drainage holes on side thanks. Question though. You're like the 4th person to mention the cal-mag solution. I don't get it. I use R/O so I use cal-mag with every single feeding. Are u saying after the flush give them just cal-mag for one feeding then go back to normal nute routine...
  5. M

    HEMPY buckets.. Absolutely disgusted, disappointed.... 4 MONTHS shot to hell....

    Thermometers all good. I can't cut holes in the very bottom to drain because they're hempy buckets.
  6. M

    HEMPY buckets.. Absolutely disgusted, disappointed.... 4 MONTHS shot to hell....

    It's an 11x11' room not a tent. I have standard Black/White Poly hung. Is standard BW Poly the stuff thats can cause toxicity in the plants???? Owned the hoods since I owned a home and had them properly ducted. Now I rent and can't cut holes everywhere to duct them and ruin the house even in the...
  7. M

    Hempy\water ??

    What ppms and ph are you running with full feed every time????? VERY curious. I've got a total cluster f#$k on my hands here. With another PIC thread within that one. Any help met with massive...
  8. M

    HEMPY buckets.. Absolutely disgusted, disappointed.... 4 MONTHS shot to hell....

    I don't know if it was the veg time/salt buildup or what, but my stuff looks like shit at the start of week 5. I posted pics here a week or so ago here: And since then have flushed the hell out of em...
  9. M

    PLEASE for the love of GOD help us! HEMPY bucket flush WTF? Sick MS patients here!

    We use R/O with this schedule. Cal-mag every feed. Its a five gallon feed that stays right around 500-600ppm for Hempy. They get fed twice a week with fresh new water/nutes off this list. Look screwed up? We did one successful hempy grow but the plants were much smaller. Only vegged a few...
  10. M

    PLEASE for the love of GOD help us! HEMPY bucket flush WTF? Sick MS patients here!

    Done... And too: woodsmaneh! it would be crazy.... The 4x8 is on the floor cause of such a long veg (we didnt intend to do) and we are in wheel chairs. To properly overflood them would be insane for us to clean up. Bottom line on this is how in the hell do you suck the 2" of water out of...
  11. M

    PLEASE for the love of GOD help us! HEMPY bucket flush WTF? Sick MS patients here!

    Got yellowing leaves out the ass just under tops. Tops are still green and "praying" and all bottom leaves are green. The oldest biggest leaves just under tops are yellowing from the tips in and the central vein is going purple in them. It looks like mag/cal or potassium deficiency/tox. PPMs are...
  12. M

    Multiple big $$$ carbon scrubbers how far can you take it to cleanse?

    I had read somewhere that constant temps over 100 deg reduces the life of the carbon filter and makes it not work as efficient overall. My thinking after reading that was - well ok, the filter is sitting in a 120 deg attic and if that wasnt bad enough now I'm ramming 110 degree a/c air into it...
  13. M

    Multiple big $$$ carbon scrubbers how far can you take it to cleanse?

    cruzer101 - I don't think I can do that cause the a/c exhaust is like 105 degrees during lights on and the attic during summer gets to around 115 degrees even without the hot a/c pumping up to it. I don't think the carbon will work well at these temps up in the attic. Someone correct me if I'm...
  14. M

    Multiple big $$$ carbon scrubbers how far can you take it to cleanse?

    No I can't have one in the attic as it gets like 118 degrees up there and the carbon wont work good at those temps. I'm just saying two or three massive scrubbers all sitting solo connected to nothing just scrubbing away. Will it kill the smell in the room itself quick enough so everything going...
  15. M

    Multiple big $$$ carbon scrubbers how far can you take it to cleanse?

    Yea the white material all the way around the entire cylinder? If thats what you're talking about yes. Another thing I forgot to add is that where I live its not humid but HOT AS HELL so during the summer like now the a/c is probably on 18 hours a day or so I'd guess. Making me more paranoid as...
  16. M

    Multiple big $$$ carbon scrubbers how far can you take it to cleanse?

    I'm running 1 12,000 btu a/c. Single hose (yes I know stupid but its what I've got for now) running up into my attic. 2 x 1,000s over 4 x 8 with 12 plants on it all four foot high + and huge. I have a 4 foot carbon filter already with a 650 CFM fan in a approx 120 cubic square foot room. Its...
  17. M

    Standard A/C unit SMELL-KILLER on the cheap for summer PITA.

    1 port (non dual tube garbage) a/c. I have done experiment with very very stinky strain in VERY HOT climate area (attic). Standard 4" duct to attic from back of A/C outlet blah blah.. I bought a 40 gallon rubbermaid roughtote and cut a 4" hole on either side and chucked it in the attic...