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  1. W

    First Time Grower

    i have room for 8 should i go ahead and invest in 4 more cfls
  2. W

    My First Grow

    When i bought them at home depot the package said 6500k but i really dont know a whole lot about lighting to be honest
  3. W

    First Time Grower

    how many daylight 27wat cfls should i use to grow my marijuana i am curently using 4 is it enough? i have room for 8 in my grow box but only using 4 its been about a week since i planted the bag seeds and they have sprouted and are about 2 inches tall is it enough?
  4. W

    My First Grow

    much apreciated i want to continue to use cfls and i have room in the box for 4 more of the same light do you think i should just go ahead and ad them in or should i wait to a certain stage in there life
  5. W

    Welcome New Members!

    I i have a rubbermaid 55 gallon box with 4 daylight 27wat cfls the box is incased with a crome heat blanket i have a small desk fan running 24hours and have a 16/8 light scedule i use mg organic choice potting soil and have drilled holes into the bottem of my 6 inch pots and am 1 week into it i...
  6. W

    My First Grow

    is the growing environment i created adiquit for my plants and are they growing at the proper rate
  7. W

    My First Grow

    I i have a rubbermaid 55 gallon box with 4 daylight 27wat cfls the box is incased with a crome heat blanket i have a small desk fan running 24hours and have a 16/8 light scedule i use mg organic choice potting soil and have drilled holes into the bottem of my 6 inch pots and am 1 week into it i...