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  1. wplotus

    Smelly's 12/12 From Seed Party Cup Grow!

    Iv tried to grow from party cups as a side to my actual operation, but I always run into problems very early. I'm interested to see how it goes, one question though, if you're growing from the cups do you have to go 12 12 from start or could you veg for a lil bit too.
  2. wplotus

    CFL lights

    Yea I would say so. It depends on lumen output I think the rule is that around 8000 per square foot is where you want to be. I'd say your for sure good with that.
  3. wplotus

    Older bottom leaves dying during flowering

    Here's a pic. First this starts then and eventually the leave dies. This rest of the foliage looks good its just one or two. I havnt fed it nutes in a while what should I use. The ph is good, and temp is good.
  4. wplotus

    Older bottom leaves dying during flowering

    I'm in my 3rd week of flowering, and some of my older bottom leaves are turning reddish brown then eventually they die, not sure if its a nute difficiency, moisture problem, or what, just need some input. Thanks guys
  5. wplotus

    Pc grow 2nd week flowering chronic or hash, do i have a boy or a girl?

    You got a few pistils so I would say female. But since their turning brown already you might have a hermie. Those pistils might be getting pollinated
  6. wplotus

    harvesting question

    Iv heard you should harvest when 50 percent of the pistils are brown. On my plants I would say that 50 percent of my pistils are brown but my buds still seem very small. Flowering started three and a half weeks ago. If i harvest now I won't get that much. What's going on? And what should I do...
  7. wplotus

    outdoor flowering help

    They are hybrids. So I guess ill have to hold out for another 4 weeks then
  8. wplotus

    outdoor flowering help

    Alright cool. Will there be decent thc development. Any other ideas guys.
  9. wplotus

    outdoor flowering help

    Well, my plants have been flowering for three weeks now and due to security reasons I need to harvest as soon as I can. When do you guys think the earliest I can harvest would be. I know ill have to take a loss in yeild. But somethings better than nothing. Any input would help thanks guys.
  10. wplotus

    Have to go 48 hours of dark. Will my plants be ok?

    What about 72 hours would that be safe you think
  11. wplotus

    ok germination questions pleace need help quick!!!

    Yea doesn't matter. I put mine directly under my lights, right after I germinate them. It seemes to work great. My first few leaves get huge with the light at 20 hours.
  12. wplotus

    soil getting mold

    I'm starting to get green mold forming on the top of my soil for my indoor plants. I'm not sure why, I know the soil has been pretty consistently moist lately, and my lights are pretty close. Any ideas or thoughts would be good. Thanks guys
  13. wplotus

    outdoor to indoor transplant

    Can I transplant a plant Iv had growing outdoors for a month and a half now and is showing pistils finally. I want to bring it indoors to make flowering faster and more efficient. Is this alirght to do.
  14. wplotus

    force flowering outdoors

    Alright cool. Should I keep covering them throughout the whole flowering period or just the first two weeks
  15. wplotus

    force flowering outdoors

    I just coverd my plants up tonight for the first day. I used three black garbage bags for each. I'm looking to force flower due to increased paranoia of being caught. I'm just looking for tips and advice on how I should go about doing this. Thanks guys
  16. wplotus

    Advice on what light to use

    If I go with CFLs what wattage bulb would I need. And how many
  17. wplotus

    Advice on what light to use

    I'm only going to grow two in my closet so its not a large area.
  18. wplotus

    Advice on what light to use

    I'm starting a small indoor grow in my closet since the outdoor season is ending. Any thoughts on what kind of light use.
  19. wplotus

    Old leaves dying

    On one of my month and a half old plants the older bottom leaves are dying or turning brown any ideas as to why. Its an outdoor plant in a 3 gallon pot.
  20. wplotus

    when to use furtiilizer

    Just have a quick question, when should I start using furts on my plants, and what should I use.