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  1. eagle5599

    Partner grow?

    move to california
  2. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    fuck... see i keep changing my mind. it's going back and forth. Im pretty sure nature doesn't want me there. I gotta gtfo. thanks for all the responses guys
  3. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    ok... so let's say i decide to guerilla grow it... I don't think I have enough time to find another suitable spot with water... we're talkin 8000 feet up in the mountains... dry and hot. how can i get around the water situation?
  4. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    see i don't really feel like any of that is necessary. I really don't want to have that sort of stress. it just isn't worth it to me. + im a student so it's not feasible for me to camp out in the woods for a few weeks.
  5. eagle5599

    How do you get high?

    i went through a phase where I was only hot knifing oil... that's only for people who really like getting really high.
  6. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    Thanks for all the good replies yall I'm just so torn about the equipment. (Clones, drip lines, and soil amendments) I know none of the dispensaries here in humboldt will take my clones. WIll other dispensaries buy them? They are fully rooted in 1gal pots. more plant than clone now id say...
  7. eagle5599

    easyest cheapest way to clone

    :) I got clones for trade... 215?
  8. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    see... that's the problem. We KEEP having this talk. HE seems to think it will all just work itself out. Last time I pushed the issue I saw a side of this old Indian dude that was super nasty. THat's what makes me want to back off. I no longer trust his word... that's the main problem.
  9. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    Hella expensive though considering. So you guys seem to think that I should just do it and see how it goes?
  10. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    i know.... that's what really sucks... At first... he was all hella friendly... no he's on some quasi-asshole/immature "my land" shit. Now im like... what do I do with all this shit? I'm over a g in the hole due to this operation. HOnestly, I just can't afford the stress. It would be awesome if...
  11. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    I really don't want to get in any deeper than I already am... Bottom line, you can't grow 100 plants with someone you don't trust. See, I don't wanna get a phone call one day after working for months "yo, bro we just got robbed.. all the weed is gone" when no one really got jacked. At this...
  12. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    check it check it... see... it's just the deeper i get in, the less trustworthy he seems to be. I'm talking bout money down the line... Post-harvest money. That's where all the drama comes in
  13. eagle5599

    Don't trust my grow partner... call it quits?

    So I am involved in an outdoor grow with an older gentleman (let's call him uncle). Basically, he has land but no money, and I have no land. So we became partners. Over the last month I have become increasingly paranoid about trusting Uncle. See I've known this guy for about 3 years and he...