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  1. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Well, I harvested 1.2lbs of dank from this crop... Very little PM to speak of, grew "just fine" without any leaves BUT I did notice that instead of the kaylix expanding it just grew allot more of them... Wierd, but dank none the less.
  2. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    This whole crop is dead after using the sulphur burner.... not sure why, used about 2 table spoons of sulphur for 15 minutes and all the leaves curled up and fried... I took most of the dead leaf off which was pretty much everything (No seriously, each plant has maybe 10 leaves?) I will be...
  3. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Ugh... I may have nuked these with the sulfur, the leaves all curled up and everything looks all wilted... They are sleeping now, I am going to wait till the light comes back on to have another look but I am really not happy with the results. I did not use much sulfur, maybe 2-4 grams for 15...
  4. T

    Every Time i grow indoors, Powdery Mildew!!!

    Honestly, my first concern is for my personal safety and the safety and health of my fellow cannabis collective patients. Thanks for the help! I was really worried I might be too far in for the sulfur, and you answered the question I was too baked to remember. No moms or clones for the next...
  5. T

    Every Time i grow indoors, Powdery Mildew!!!

    Word up on the eagle 20... I heard that's the shit. Getting a sulfur burner in here asap for a couple days. I am 19 days into complete 12/12 flower cycle but I cycled the lights down as well so its really right on the verge... There is a bit of crystal production going on but I don't think I am...
  6. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Well I got a little nutrient burn as the heat picked up. I am on day 19 of flowering and the pm is coming back, I am cutting out all the vegetation with even a hint of mildew , re applied serenade, still feeding silica blast. I am going to borrow a sulfur burner from a friend tomorrow and handle...
  7. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    :shock: Space QueenWhite WidowOdyssey:o Flowering day 11. Now at time and a half recommended strength terra bloom with just the tiniest bit of burn on the very tips, I am also using full strength Silica Blast with this. The temps stay in the 72-78 range which has allowed me to feed so heavily...
  8. T

    My first grow Socal Style!!

    Well this is really a matter of style, but I would trim out all the lowers regardless of the fact that its outside... Its a proven fact that removing lower foiliage send hormones further up the branch sooo.... Its worth the extra couple days for potentially more potent fruit.
  9. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Holly shit! I think I may have inadvertently stumbled upon a way to make really a very pure THC powder while making hash tonight... Take a look at the white powder on the razor blade. that is the runoff from pressing the water out of the bubble hash below it, I pressed the last bits of water...
  10. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Going to move my light over a bit and throw a 250W MH in with the 1000W HPS to bring me to 1250W.
  11. T

    Every Time i grow indoors, Powdery Mildew!!!

    I used Serenade, I also sprayed my whole room with it. (worked real well actually) and I am about to feed with some Botanicare Silica Blast to prevent further problems, Rhino skin will work too... Really anything with Potassium Silicate will do though. Remember, if your not using your...
  12. T

    Can I re use fox farm ocean soil?

    Never reuse soil... period... Especially if your plants died in that soil? I recommend happy frog for organics and a soiless mix if your feeding.
  13. T

    If i give my plant 20 hours dark 4 hours light whould it be diffrent

    If you want to flower as quickly as possible, here are my recommendations. Begin your veg on a 18/6hr cycle and pull 1 hour every day for a week, I hope your either doing SOG or have some brutal genetics... Otherwise it is possible you wont get much of a yield.
  14. T

    Does anyone have an "emergency plan" should police show up at your door?

    Hmmm, I think I'll just show them my cannabis card and tell them to get the fuck out. Secret grow lab $10,000 vs Cannabis Card $150, telling the cops to get the fuck out? Priceless...
  15. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Almost 420 views... smokin a blunt to the face of some of this odyssey, quite delicious tasting (in my top 10 for flavor) it gets a 9 for looks, some purple as well. Apparently a friends friend sold these clones to the club I bought them from and I was able to procure an ounce of it to smoke on...
  16. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    No Rhino skin yet, but soon! Luckily there has not been any more sign of mildew, but I am certainly not going to ignore that it happened... I can learn from this and prevent it in the future. I hit the plants with a half gallon of full strength bloom tonight so we will see how they react...
  17. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Ok, here is the rundown... I took out allot of leaf, everything I saw that even had a hint of mildew, plus some just to get better ventilation. I am quickly learning that there is a "just right" amount of veg to light ratio, I spent everal hours trimming and managed to take the bottom 1/3rd of...
  18. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Ok, this is definitely powdery mold :( So the plants have probably been infected for several weeks... I am going to try and pick something up for it on Monday. Hopefully it does not get too bad by then :\ I'll post picks Monday after I apply some solution. Luckily they are just into their...
  19. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Also, Removed all of what looked to be powdery mold? :( White dust gathering in small spots on the leaves. Could this be nutrient I spilled down there? Could it have been nutrient that evaporated? Hopefully this does not continue to be a problem... Does anyone know of any non toxic organic ways...
  20. T

    My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.

    Temps never went over 78F all day, its safe to say that my tent is within 5F-10F of ambient temperatures with the light on... Cant do much better than that without phase change so I am pretty stoked. The second fan is on a speed controller so its pretty quite, I toggled it to match the sound of...