It's been a while since my last update so i figured I'd post some pictures. I transplanted to a five gallon pot and was a fucking idiot about it and lost a shitload of roots. The plant was droopy for a few days and some leaves yellowed but she survived and has been bushing out a bunch. In other...
The plant is getting much bushier. I'm seeing a lot of little growth under the big growth so the plant is filling out nicely.
I got a couple pics of the heat stress and I was also wondering if anybody could tell me what the weird greenish color near the tips of the heat stressed leaf is...
I added you and now I can see. Damn they got pretty tall which is good. Now I've got so much to look forward to! Also i got mealybugs from having my relatives plants over for a couple of hours :( bought some insect killing soap but I see them again so I sprayed the plant a second time today. SO...
So I hung the light today (it was a BITCH), and got the little fan blowing between the light and the plant. The plant is lookin very good, it's bushing out quite a bit. It has been exploding with new leaves like every day.
Anyways, here are the pics. How is the light's distance from the...
I picked up my relatives 250w MH light this afternoon. I gotta buy some chains and stuff to hang it tomorrow but that's cheap. I'm picking up a better inline fan from home depot. Pushes 160 cfm for my 20 cubic ft room so I think it's enough ventilation. I also got a little desk fan that I'm...
I was definitely gonna get a 150 watt hps as soon as possible because yeah it's way better than cfls. I just gotta get the money first. 250w I think would get too hot inside my space and I'm not that great with ventilation so I'd probably have a problem.
In other news, I'm probably going to be...
Yeah light-wise it's really good. I did a bunch of research before choosing the Secret Jardin tent instead of others and one of the reasons was that the site I read said that the Secret Jardin's appear to be the most light proof out of the box (without having to make any adjustments). I'm very...
Here ya go. The ruler in the picture is an 18 inch ruler. This is the 2ftx2ftx5ft one. The 1.5ftx1.5ft would probably be better for one plant, I got a lot of extra room, haha.
So I'm seeing some good growth in my plant. I kind of over watered the otherday and the leaves were looking wilted. I took the plant out of the little pot that it was in and put the plant in a bigger pot where moisture would be able to spread itself out more instead of all the water sitting...
I just have a question about nutrients and I would REALLY love an answer. I see that with nutrients, they always say per gallon. But seeing how my plants are very small, 1 gallon is a lot for them. I could mix a gallon of nutrient water and use it but by the time the whole gallon is used up, the...
So this afternoon I made a trip to walmart and got distilled water like I was advised to earlier. Also this afternoon, my grow tent arrived. I set it up and took pics. I've got two 32 watt CFLs and two 20 watt CFLs like 4 inches from the plant. It's doing fairly well so far.
Tight thanks, I'll pick those up later today probably.
If I have two fans for exhaust both totaling to about 60 cfm and just a passive intake, will the room be well ventilated? The Secret Jardin's have those velcro up intakes that are little rectangles and I feel if I have a couple of those...
I currently have a 16 oz water bottle that I let sit out at all times so the chlorine will like wear down or whatever. I pour enough to get all the soil moist which I assume was about 2-3 ozs.
I watered the soil when I put it in and I was sprinkling a little on the plant every day. Today I did the finger test and the soil felt a little dry. I felt some moisture but not much so I watered it today so it's the first actual watering since like 3 days ago.
I'll move it closer now, I was thinking it was too far as well so I'm glad you said something. I'm so cautious with the watering; I'm doing the finger into the soil test until I can just get a moisture meter.
I'm not going to post this frequently once the plant gets larger but I figured I'd show the change in just two days. In the first pictures of the sprout that I posted two days ago, the rounded leaf is kind of limp. Now after two days, the leaves have perked up and the stem of the plant has grown...