After fucking with the seed it still managed to sprout for me, how bout that. Wasn't seeing much progress with the rockwool so I just took it out of that completely and put it in soil. Wasn't seeing a result with this as well so i undug the seed to find a little sprout still underground.
Haha very strange. I was literally just looking at grow tents and for some reason decided to stop in the middle of shopping to check my thread only to find advice to get a grow tent. I was looking at this one because it's only about 75 bucks and it's pretty good size...
yeah i was really surprised when i saw that it was two like amazing strains combined. but problem solved. I'm just gonna buy a taller trash can or possibly even just throw down the money for a grow tent.
Thanks so much that was actually really helpful and cleared up a few things I was unsure about. if you're interested in following this thread, I moved it to the correct section and you can find it under my threads and I'll definitely be checking yours out. Thanks for the help.
So this morning I saw that the seed was pretty well germinated and decided it was time to insert it into the rockwool. I put it in there this morning and came back this afternoon and was very satisfied after seeing that the root on the seed had already grown about a quarter of an inch. Not much...
(Accidentally mis-posted this in the wrong section, now it's fixed, sorry for the "spam.")
Hey guys so this is my 2nd attempt at growing. I recently tried Big Buddha's Automatic in an outdoor organic soil grow but because of the intensity of the heat in AZ, it died shortly after sprouting...
Hey guys so this is my 2nd attempt at growing. I recently tried Big Buddha's Automatic in an outdoor organic soil grow but because of the intensity of the heat in AZ, it died shortly after sprouting. Luckily I set up a cheap CFL setup and Attitude seeds sent me a freebie of DNA's Sour Cream...
I'm gonna be constructing a small grow room in my closet. I don't really have room for intense ventilation but i'm only growing 1 or 2 plants. Do I need an exhaust fan or will a couple exhaust holes do the trick? I plant on getting a small fan to keep air moving around. I was thinking cutting...
yeah I'd definitely try the coffee thing if i were growing multiple plants but i'm just playin it safe for now. I'm just so anxious for it to grow! I want it to be done now.
I read up on the coffee idea and some people were saying it worked and others were saying coffee is too acidic. Does anybody care to shed some knowledge on the subject?
Day 3 and the plant is starting to sprout. Should I start it on nutes about 2-3 weeks in? It's an autoflowering plant and I read that I should only give it flowering nutes. Any advice would be awesome.
Just started my first grow this morning. Had a Big Buddha Automatic, germinated it yesterday and the root was sticking out about 3/4 of an inch this morning so I planted her this morning. I'm Using Kellogg's Patio Plus Soil Right now. It has like worm castings, guano, basically ocean forest. I'm...
I'm about to start my first plant in a couple of days once it's germinated and stuff and I was just curious about what soil i should start it in? I was gonna do ocean forest but apparently it's too high in nutes for newborn plants. Should I just use soil without any nutrients? And how long...
I'm about to start growing my first plant outdoors in southern Arizona. I'm gonna get feminized Lowryder # 2 from Dr. Chronic. It's an auto-flowering strain because i'm a bit short on time since i'm starting so late in the year and these grow super fast and apparently this is a good strain to...
Well i ended up wrapping it all up into joints and blunts so i feel like the smell of the blunts could throw off the smell of the bud as well. I'm also putting the baggies inside a stainless steel coffee thermos.
Yeah i'd be way paranoid if i was going by myself. But like I said, ill be with my mom and my dad plus I dont dress like a "stoner" or anything that would make them suspicious of me.
I'm very picky with my answers so i felt i needed to ask my own. I'm driving from Tucson, AZ to Kentucky. My route takes me through states like New Mexico and texas and shit like that. I wanna bring about a eigth, maybe more of some bud. It's not very stinky and I was thinking I would baggy it...