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  1. pudge317

    Will the size of the clone matter

    Thanks a lot you pretty much answered my question, I took my cuttings about a 5-7 days ago. I didn't put them in the humidity dome but made sure to mist them with ph water and the soil stayed moist. They look pretty good no yellowing hoping for the best.
  2. pudge317

    Will the size of the clone matter

    I've taken 3 from my dying (root rot)dwc violator kush, used Shultz rooting hormone put a little ocean forest in 3 solo cups and just waiting for them to root.
  3. pudge317

    Will the size of the clone matter

    If you were to take a clone from the bottom of one plant or small clones, would that affect the size of the plant or rate of growth from the clones
  4. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    Cool Thanks
  5. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    Yeah I will cut down the nutes, take out bout gal& 1/2 and replace with ph water. I was a little use to how fast they were growing in my previous setup aeroponic
  6. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    Even though they've been in there for 3 weeks. 1st week 300ppm, 2nd week 450ppm 3rd 575. The water level is bout 2in base of the pot
  7. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    Here it is
  8. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    room temp 79 nute sol 72 ec 1.4 or 750ppm ph 5.7-6.3 I adjust as needed ph meter
  9. pudge317

    Help seedlings not growing

    I have 1 dinafem white widow and 1 original amnesia. They are it 2 DIY dwc 5gal buckets since I germ them. They seem to not have grown much in 2-3 weeks. I'm using Jungle Juice, cal/mag, and rootbastic. The ph is fine, I started at 1/4 strength and have since bumpped up the nutes an still no...
  10. pudge317

    Changing the light spectrum during flush

    Only one person is familiar with this?
  11. pudge317

    Changing the light spectrum during flush

    I have read some places it is good to change from HPS back to MH for the last few weeks of flowering. If so what benefits does this have or is it a waste of time. Those with experience please chime in.
  12. pudge317

    Hydroponix X Nutrients?

    Yeah I've been using them on my clones and there doing great
  13. pudge317

    Tiger Bloom in hydro

    Wow there's no one that used Fox Farm Tiger Bloom with a hydro setup here anyone with a idea?
  14. pudge317

    Tiger Bloom in hydro

    Does anyone have experience using tiger bloom in a hydro setup. My ph will drop rapidly from 6.2 to 5.3 in a couple of hours. I have drained and cleaned the tote and change my nutes weekly the problem still persists. I'm running through a 32oz bottle of ph up in month only using 8-9 gal of...
  15. pudge317

    Anyone used a Spin pro

    Yeah I couldn' t resiest picking one up
  16. pudge317

    Anyone used a Spin pro

    Yeah but its to late already got it, youtube doesn't make them look to bad Guess I'll be the judge.
  17. pudge317

    Anyone used a Spin pro

    Anyone used a Spin Pro or a hand crank trimmer, what do you think of them and is it worth it to buy one.
  18. pudge317

    barneys violator kush?

    Watch out she is a super stretcher started 12/12 at 2 ft, 37 day flower at 5' 11 nice fruity smell, I would recommend supercropping and defoliating.
  19. pudge317

    barneys violator kush?

    Yup violator kush got it going now 4th week of flower
  20. pudge317

    Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

    Well I'm a non believer with the juice you will surely attract gnats and bugs, only thing it would do is make everything sticky. Ahh feeding threw the roots won't give u any color change or flavor enhancement just doesn't work I've tried, the only way I know would be to water cure your buds...