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  1. N

    quick dry

    Heres what's goin on...... Two 32 in plants probly no more than qp at best. Need to dry aqap, aany thoughts? No stoves or microwaves please
  2. N

    will i yield bud

    Fan leave's get the most sun, sunlight is neded so the plant makes sugar, sugar is used as energy to grow at night. Less leaves, less energy to make good bud. just the way i look at it.
  3. N

    Love this time of year.

    All cellular pics are geotagged, whether you transfer them to a computer or not the tag is still there. Doubt you have to worry though. I take pics of mine and send em to my boys all the time, still here typing!
  4. N

    can i grow just adding water

    Geesh guys / gals, take a deep breath and relax. To much ego for one thread, leave it at home!
  5. N

    Love this time of year.

    Still preflowering
  6. N

    TongBoke's first outdoor

    Get a gun, get some ammo, sit on your porch, and SHOOT THE LITTLE BASTARDS!!!!!!
  7. N

    pheww........fuzz almost spotted them!

    Freakin fuzz was out in there fancy little fucking helicopter yesterday and was like a stones throw away from my girls.........but they didnt seem em. HA! :finger:
  8. N

    Flower time for Southern Ohio???

    Bout one to two more weeks and you should see signs of flowering.
  9. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    So, are you using the recommended amount of one level spponn to ever 1 1/2 gallons of water?
  10. N

    sick plants :[

    Any luck so far?
  11. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    Thanks everyone, ill look into all of these.
  12. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    Im really looking for something organic!
  13. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    Ok, what about BLoom Booster by MG, ive heard mixed things about it?
  14. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    Damn Keyboard -----> "Bigger Blooms"
  15. N

    Nutes for Bigger Blomes

    Is there anything that i can spray on my plants that will increase flower size?
  16. N

    CTEMP1's 2010 outdoor grow. 1st outdoor grow a success?? Take a look!

    If I were you I find a nice spot in the woods and get them there asap! Idk Wat everyone else thinks but a big black tarp enclosing an area around my house would be a little suspicious. But what do I know, I'm just a stranger! Best of luck!
  17. N

    2nd outdoor grow.

    Looks like your secret is about to go over the fence! Better tie it down if you don't want it seen, plus you will get a bigger yield. Lookin good though!
  18. N

    sick plants :[

    Forgot to answer the first question. Its a bug/fungus/mold/parasite anything living killer, wont harm the plants though.
  19. N

    sick plants :[

    7 dust can be bought at walmart in the garden section, see pic below. Dont over due it! put some in your hand and blow it on your plants.