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  1. M

    How am I looking?

    Fantastic. As always, I appreciate the guidance from the more experienced. I am 6 weeks in and due to stretching caused by the MH light, I went ahead and put them under the 400w HPS and flip to 12/12 schedule. I've got alternating nodes so I suppose they are ready. I have topped 2, FIM 2, and...
  2. M

    My Tap Water PPm is 63, is this possible??? New PPm Meter

    Yes that's perfectly possible. My tap water is 79 out of the tap
  3. M

    How am I looking?

    Alright, just ordered some Mylar. Will be here in a couple days.
  4. M

    How am I looking?

    lmao, yeah first grow and didn't want to spend shit loads on it if it didn't work. Guess i need to get some mylar? Lowes I'm assuming?
  5. M

    How am I looking?

    Quick question. I am finding what seems to be water on some of my leaves, almost like they are sweating. Is this normal or a sign of something that I need to change? Just random pics, 5 1/2 weeks old. 1 is alternating nodes, another is just starting to pre-flower, patiently awaiting to see...
  6. M

    How am I looking?

    Fantastic! Thanks for your continued input on this thread shnkrmn.
  7. M

    How am I looking?

    My plants are starting to have alternating nodes but no preflowers yet. Should I already see preflowers or not? Approx 5 weeks old.
  8. M

    Heat stress?

    Just re-hooked up my 400w MH light and seen this within about 48 hours. Is this heat stress? Around 18" above my plants. Haven't seen it anymore since I raised my light but want to make sure I'm not overlooking another problem. Thanks!
  9. M

    How am I looking?

    So after running the MH bulb instead of the CFL's they are perking up and growing like crazy, definitely needed the extra light from a 400w MH bulb. After running it for the past 48 hours, I think they grew too much without me moving the light up and some of the leaves are suffering from heat...
  10. M

    How am I looking?

    I went ahead and bought a new MH bulb bcuz it seemed like the leaves were sagging and struggling for light. They perked up quite a bit and definitely needed more light. So now running 400w My bulb at 18 inches from top of plant and also send 18 inch fluorescent light. I turned on the 6th inch...
  11. M

    Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?

    I don't have any experience with the dripper settings but other than that, I believe it looks good to me. Another opinion would always be great, so feel free to chime in anyone!
  12. M

    Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?

    GriC, I would try and keep the pH at about 5.8 if possible. The attached chart shows the nutrient lockout at various pH's.
  13. M

    How am I looking?

    I live in the south and it was due to the temps since it's a garage room growth. Temps are dropping now and it's only gonna get colder, but not too cold. So, hopefully that will help to counter balance the heat. I have also hooked up a 6" inline fan since then that I will run when i start to...
  14. M

    How am I looking?

    I am using 3 23w (i think). It's the 100w equivalent 6500k. I am also using a GE Daylight 15-Watt T8 Fluorescent 18" Bulb. Tomorrow I am going to add more CFL's. For flowering I will be using a HPS 400w light. I had a 400w MH bulb but accidentally busted the bulb, which turned out to be a...
  15. M

    How am I looking?

    When should I be seeing pre-flowers? I know that I have another 25 days(ish) to finish veggin. Here are some pics, any signs of preflowers? I don't think so.
  16. M

    Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?

    How large is the reservoir container? With GH I nute burned mine. You can see the post here: I had the nutes at 400ppm, did some reading and decided to increase it to 700ppm and it fried them. Luckily they recovered...
  17. M
  18. M

    Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?

    What was the pH of your water before adding nutrients? 1053ppm is too high for 2 week old plants imo. I believe you should be at 1/4 or 1/2 nutrients at the moment, especially since you have some that are 2 days old and range to 2 weeks old. Especially too high for the 2 day old plants. I...
  19. M

    Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?

    I am using General Hydroponics 3 part nuts and my pH is has been at 5.9 for days, stable as a rock.
  20. M

    Roots growin outward not down? Help!!

    How far away are they from the water? Totally unrelated but I hope that's an insulin syringe being used for insulin.. lol