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  1. M

    Newbie's first time Aero grow

    Yes I agree, I am on my FIRST grow as well and they definitely seem a little behind in growth for 3 weeks. Here is my grow and my first post was at approx 3 weeks old. The latest post was last night at 33 days old. I...
  2. M

    How am I looking?

    Day 33 My bushy garden. So green smelling great. Short but thick. Plants on the right are approx 9in tall. 1) How are my roots looking? 2) The 4th picture, the three Red circled nodes, is this where I trim off? Keep hearing that I need to trim the bottom three off. Is this correct?
  3. M

    How am I looking?

    Day 30. Thick rope like roots. They are all touching/laying in the bottom of the top 29gallon container and starting to fall into the bottom 29gallon reservoir container. Should I try and keep them in the top or is it fine to have them fall into the bottom container and dip straight into the...
  4. M

    How am I looking?

    Update. Day 29th. One's on the right are up to about 7 inches tall and the ones on the left are about 4 inches. Very bushy and oh so green. Smelling fantastic. Having such high temeratures in the first 1.5 really stunted the growth I think but they look awesome. Should I add more lights to...
  5. M

    How am I looking?

    Awesome! Thanks for the advice. So should i top these eventually to increase the colas or let it go like it is?
  6. M

    How am I looking?

    Thanks I appreciate the boost of confidence! I'm always worried about how short they are compared to some of the other plants i see on here. Good to hear that they are on track still.
  7. M

    How am I looking?

    I had a MH light in there but my temps were hitting close to 100 degrees so I changed over to the CFL and T-5 light. With the weather getting colder I will be able to swap over to the HPS light when the time comes and not worry about temp being an issue (garage closet grow). Any suggestions on...
  8. M

    How am I looking?

    Hey everyone. My first grow and want to get everyone's opinion. Aeroponic setup. I'm about 3.5 - 4 weeks into my grow and curious to see how it is measuring up. Thanks!
  9. M

    First grow (bag seed) aeroponic CFL setup

    Hey R.L.U.! This is my first grow and I am about 3.5-4 weeks into my grow. Just wondering how everyone thought it was going and get your opinion on it. Any ideas why there is a height disparity between the plants? The two on the right have always been bigger (6 inches now) but twice the size...
  10. M

    What should I be doing at this point?

    Yes I realize I've done many things wrong but as a first grow I am just trying to see if I could successfully grow them. I've seen so many pics on here of people fking up their plants. J ust getting my feet wet.
  11. M

    What should I be doing at this point?

    Hey all. My first grow ever. I've got 6-7 plants that germinated. I started off wrong and this is what I have done so far. Left the seeds in paper towel for like 5 days instead of two. Tap roots were really long. Put them in RW in aeroponic system. They are in a closet in a garage. Temps were...
  12. M

    Leaves curling up

    ok, thanks wiseguy!
  13. M

    Problems with my plant after rez change

    the ph is fine. i think it is the nutrients. i followed the latewood formula or thought i did for nutrients. I read somewhere that you want the ppm to be about 1000. My tap water is 75ppm, i added mag cal to about 200ppm then did 8ml of GH 3 part/gallon and it only brought the ppm to like...
  14. M

    Leaves curling up

    Any ideas anyone?
  15. M

    Leaves curling up

    Ok, not sure what I did wrong here but plants were fine. I changed the reservoir just for the heck of it and now my plants are curling. Aeroponic. I added Mag Cal this time. Tap water was at 75 ppm added to about 200ppm then GH until like 700ppm, previously I was at 450ppm. What is wrong with my...
  16. M

    Problems with my plant after rez change

    Ok, not sure what I did wrong here but plants were fine. I changed the reservoir just for the heck of it and now my plants are curling. Aeroponic. I added Mag Cal this time. Tap water was at 75 ppm added to about 200ppm then GH until like 700ppm, previously I was at 450ppm. What is wrong...
  17. M

    5' x 5' x 9' closet for under $1000?

    Ok, this is going to sound stupid but I am going to be setting up a grow room in a garage. Going to build a room in a back corner. The fan (Valueline 6 Inch 435 CFM Centrifugal Inline Fan), is it placed in the exhaust line pulling heat out of the room or is it placed blowing on the light, not...