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  1. H

    Nirvanas Femnised Autoflowering Blue Mystic DWC grow

    It works out to be 166mL per day per plant. Thanks for the info.
  2. H

    Hello People

    I hadn't heard of Escoffier before. His wikipedia page was interesting. I've had French food only on a couple of occasions. My experience so far has been everything covered in a rich cream sauce. It was good, but I wasn't wow'd.
  3. H

    Nirvanas Femnised Autoflowering Blue Mystic DWC grow

    How much water is used when watering the soil? i.e. 250mL per day
  4. H

    Nirvanas Femnised Autoflowering Blue Mystic DWC grow

    I had a great 4th, thanks.
  5. H

    Hello People

    Hello, I'm new too. I've thought of becoming a chef. I do like to cook. Maybe in the next career.
  6. H

    Hey Whats Up

    Hi Everyone, I'd like to introduce myself here. I just got my card and resumed my affair with cannabis after an extended hiatus. Super stoked on the card and all the varieties available. I've got my first grow going and having fun. Here's a few words about my interests. Peace...
  7. H

    Nirvanas Femnised Autoflowering Blue Mystic DWC grow

    Hey, F2H I have the same grow going that started on the same day. 5 feminised BM in soil, 3 with seed leafs and two lagging. This is my first grow so I'm glad I found this thread, it looks helpful. I'm subscribed. I read the lights should be 12" away. I started mine about 4" away and the...