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  1. L

    Weird yellow/red/brown dots? Help Please & Thank You!

    going to pick up some cal-mag today, hope thats it.
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    Weird yellow/red/brown dots? Help Please & Thank You!

    99% sure its not mites because i do a precautionary spray of my plants at the end of veg and beginning of flowering. it looks a lot like late signs of Ca. any ideas on supplements for Ca?
  3. L

    Weird yellow/red/brown dots? Help Please & Thank You!

    nobody has any ideas? i moved the light to 18 inches away
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    Weird yellow/red/brown dots? Help Please & Thank You!

    ok so ive started to notice these dots on my fan leaves of some of the main colas of my Kryptonite plant. its 33 days into flowering and the problem is only directly below the 400w HPS bulb. im thinking it might be too much light causing this? or maybe a fungus/root problem. the rest of the...
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    i am seriously thinking of investing in a 250W Metal Halide fixture for my vegging side... any input on this would be appreciated. I'm looking at the 250W Lumitec Ballast with a CMH bulb and a 6in cool tube. seeing as that is all that will fit probably.
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    ok finally got the pictures on my comp.... both plants have shown roots through the pots... there around an inch long or so. got the water temps down to 72ish during the day and around 70ish at night thanks to that foam insulation.
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    updated pictures coming tonight, -kryptonite is turning around and perking up but still not showing roots through the net. -Bubble Kush is doing fine and showing lots of new growth, but still no roots through the net pot... its been 7 days sense i got them from the club. any input on the roots...
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    hey thats the time there not the temp. the temp is 81 F and the humidity 51%
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    ok so i got a lot done today, new water, new nuet mix... 1/4 strength of the grow big and big bloom... water is RO. got a 1.5 inch foam board and then covered it in aluminum tape. dropped temps in the lower area to 75F which means my water should be slightly lower i hope tmrw morning...
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    Finally found a cord with the help of my roomate and a nice bowl. bongsmilie Enjoi Twig
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    Two Part Closet Grow. First Time. INPUT (Welcome/Encourage)

    Ive been lurking and reading a lot the past couple months, and as i was moving into my new place i decided to give it a shot. I decided to have both a flower and vegging side to my closet instead of just one large area to try and get a harvest every 2 months. Nutrients: Fox Farms (Main 3 For...