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  1. S

    Day 7

    congradulations your a proud parent, what type of medium is that dont overwater
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    problems at day 9 over doing something. they say dont nute for first 2 weeks, ive nuted from day 1 only 20% or less is that green around the medium apart of the medium. if not its algae and your overwatering the plants. get rid of...
  3. S

    Uh oh

    r the lights to close,r u in soil or hydro
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    ebb&flow/cfl lighting need help 1st grow

    Today is about love, thanks for the love from everyone that has viewed so far, Always remember that if you need to refresh yourself go to the beginning of the thread growing with love is what its about. those out there...
  5. S

    Yellow plant wont follow good example of her rommate, pic

    try and rotate that plant closer to the light if that dont work then depending on your system i didnt look at the system soil or hydro, something could be clogged. hot spot in that area where problem is
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    ebb&flow/cfl lighting need help 1st grow

    Great response to the piss theory, the reason for the piss is its high in nitrogen and i think potassium. Human urine watered down has been used for centuries to grow plants, and now a days those bio organic products farmers etc use urine. so to all of you that use horse poo, they let it soak in...
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    ebb&flow/cfl lighting need help 1st grow

    I hope that everyone is enjoying the work im putting in, but its useless without feedback. They say build and they will come,(so what i brought it)Still come !!! what do you think about : the ph , the urine , light cycle, watering cycle, messy drain off, theres more to talk about but we have to...
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    S.O.S. captain the ship is sinking in need of help

    help please,someone throw me a lifesaver, the band is playing,no sign of help , S.O.S:spew: im not feeling so good,I think i swallowed some water,looks like im gonna .............. sorry! link to information
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    S.O.S. captain the ship is sinking in need of help

    please help, someone throw me a lifesaver, the band is playing !
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    Leaves lightening and curling up

    maybe a little shock there getting use to there new home maybe.
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    ebb&flow/cfl lighting need help 1st grow

    was doing research and decided to give a try, here is the test patient, I am adding urine to these two,1ml of urine diluted with 11ml of water poured into medium,pink pot has no holes in bottom of pot, to avoid urine going into res. added immediatly after mixing. heres another test that I have...
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    S.O.S. captain the ship is sinking in need of help

    :blsmoke:Captain I think we have taken on to much water, we may have to abandon ship and send out an s.o.s, CAN YOU ACCESS THE DAMAGE AND SAVE THE CARGO OR WILL THE SHIP SINK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ....... LINK WILL...
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    help please! lost without a clue, read many post trying to pinpoint problem

    I'm lost,trying to find my way to the high wizard. link below is the map back to cannibrick road, can anyone lead me in the right direction. details and pics are in link ARE YOU GAME ARE YOU UP FOR THE...
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    Watering/Lighting new plants (sorry Im a noob)

    im not a pro however you should put the seed to the depth of your finger down to the first horizontal line in your finger like you were picking boogus lights acording to the pros 24hr i put mine to 18/6. i have a problem with over water over nute i think my system from botanicare...
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    need PC game idea

    ignorance is on the rise. a drug game game is not cool. In todays time we are lost. Greed and power is the real game, most that have it fail to use it to its greastest asset
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    ebb&flow/cfl lighting need help 1st grow

    newbie to hydro. Background :using system brought from botanicare(micro-garden)grows 8 included with system ready gro medium(messy drain off), nutes provided by comp. starter plugs,base growth bloom karma sweet ph up ph down. also added heater(not using read 60's in res ok),air stone...
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    CFL Lighting

    pending where you buy them they are easy to get look for highest possible wattage, with 2700k (warm light) look for these two things.
  18. S

    ebb&flood/cfl beginner

    newbie to hydro. Background :using system brought from botanicare(micro-garden)grows 8 included with system ready gro medium(messy drain off), nutes provided by comp. starter plugs,base growth bloom karma sweet ph up ph down. also added heater,air stone. germination is not a prob. I put seedling...