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  1. StonedXredEye

    Purple stems what does this mean?

    Well my plants are growin with stems that are kinda like that and iv heard it means there a strain with red hair like red hair skunk
  2. StonedXredEye


    well your doing parshaly the right things goto my web site and goto my how to make hash page it'll most likly answer your questions my site is in my signature
  3. StonedXredEye

    Somthing Slowly Eating My leaves

    it could also be because of under watering. and you dont have to buy anything to catch those gnats just put a spider in there it'll keep all bugs away and do nothing to your plantsbut keep em safe.
  4. StonedXredEye

    whats happenin !!1

    im not too sure about that id say not enough or bad water but it would help if you had a picture of them.
  5. StonedXredEye

    Somthing Slowly Eating My leaves

    well by the way iv seen with my plants it sounds like fungus nats. the cure catch a spider and put it in there so it will make a web and catch those sob's lol. hope that helped
  6. StonedXredEye

    yellowing leaves

    im not to sure but if you wanna up the nitro you could try Milorganite 6-2-0 Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer its like 10 bucks in a gardening store. but im growing plants and they started to yellow on a few leafs i think its because of lack of light or not enough water or the water ain't good for...
  7. StonedXredEye

    Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Discusses Marijuana.

    Ron Paul is one of the only smart people in the governmintel system and i totaly agree with him and im sure alot of people do.
  8. StonedXredEye


    Make sure its a area with lots of sun because if their in the shade they will die so if theres not alot of sun pick a new spot or cut the trees branches out of the way.
  9. StonedXredEye

    Anyone able to tell what kind of weed im growing?

    also when they do start budding if you want to know by just looking i have and are going to improve a page on my site called types of marijuana. and for beginners like me iv got a beginners guide to growing marijuana.
  10. StonedXredEye

    Anyone able to tell what kind of weed im growing?

    I dont think you can tell about the type till it buds then you can mostly tell by the smell and tast of the plant. And about the coloring I have no clue lol but thats cuz im a starter in growing. Leagalize :joint: = :peace: