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  1. G

    Short Vegetative VS. Long Vegetative before Flowering

    The number of branches has nothing to do with age but rather with "topping" of FIMming the plant. More topping= more branches The rule of thumb is that the longer you let a plant veg, the more bud the plant will produce. The exact amount of difference will depend on many factors like space...
  2. G

    Im coughin up black shit and my chest really hurts. anyone else have this?

    I second this!!! Sounds like something more serious than build-up from smoking too much. Respiratory issues can escalate quickly. See a doctor ASAP!!!
  3. G

    What can you do with a male?

    Awesome, thanks for the reply. Just hate to waste the time and effort if I can at least get high a couple of times off of it! Would it have any effect if simply smoked?
  4. G

    What can you do with a male?

    Hate to waste the energy and space. Also have been having less than good luck with getting male plants! Was wondering if it would have any effect if you smoked it or can you use it to make hash? Any use for it, other than pollen gathering?
  5. G

    How much heat should I expect from a 150 watt HPS?

    To me it does not seem like much heat at all. Traded out around 250W of CFLs for a 150W HPS and feel little to no difference.
  6. G

    How much shock does transplanting cause?

    I was wondering because I have a few plants that I want to put into flower immediately, but one is in a smaller pot. Would I do better to put it in a larger pot and directly into flower the same day or not transplant at all?
  7. G

    How to cut for reveg

    Yay, that is good news! I suck at cloning so far but want to continue to grow so I figured revegging might be the best bet for these particular plants. I have heard different things about revegging, but was also wondering how long you have to reveg before you can flower again? I know you...
  8. G

    How to cut for reveg

    well most of the green leaf does not have a high amount of THC right? Do only the leaves that grow after you have switched over to flower contain a high amount of THC or do all of the leaves, including the older growth, contain a large amount? I will be making hash from my trimmings but am...
  9. G

    How to cut for reveg

    Any other opinions? Do I really have to sacrifice some small buds to reveg?
  10. G

    Adding 5 more days of photons, just for your precious girls !

    Very interesting. Thanks for posting!
  11. G

    How to cut for reveg

    I have a couple that are finishing up and just wanted to know the correct way to trim off the bud without damaging the plant so I will be able to reveg it. I know you are supposed to leave a few fan leaves but any other more detailed info would be appreciated!
  12. G

    Anyone have their ladies on the pill? Rep + 4 good info

    OK, so what I have heard is that you can disolve an estrogen-containing birth control pill and let your seeds sit in the dissolved solution. Then you have a higher chance of the seed turning out to be a female plant. This is one way of increasing your chances, or so I have read.
  13. G

    Do you sample?

    I have to confess that this being my first grow, I sampled (using the vaporizer so no drying was needed) at two weeks and just now at four. While I know this is very early I am trying to get a feel for the way the high progresses as the plant goes through flower. It did taste a lot like...
  14. G

    pots with out drains????

    This is a great suggestion and I will definitely be using these for my next transplant. I just paid 6 bucks a piece for some pots at Walmart and Walmart is cheap in the grand scheme. Was wondering how durable the the bag pots are and if you have ever had one tear or break?
  15. G

    pots with out drains????

    That is so cool!!!!
  16. G

    Do you sample?

    Throughout flowering and toward the end, do you sample your plant to see how things are going? If so, when do you cut a sample? As a followup, do you think it is bad for the plant to be cutting on it throughout parts of flowering period? Does this slow growth or cause any noticeable change in...
  17. G

    HPS light

    Cool. Thanks for all the info! Can't blame me for trying!
  18. G

    HPS light

    Here's a DIY with no ballast..
  19. G

    HPS light

    Ahhh, threads will be different. Didn't think of that. One guy in the DIY section had made a fixture with a simple ceramic socket, a HPS bulb, glass hurricane and coat hanger. Wonder how he did it? Wish I could find the thread again.
  20. G

    HPS light

    If I were gonna spend 70 dollars I would just buy a light that already has a ballast. You can get a 150-250 for around 80-100 bucks. I am trying to be as cheap as possible right now, which is why I wanted some insight on not having a ballast at all on a smaller HPS bulb. Thanks for the reply though!