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  1. W

    HELP seen some little bastards on my babys (pics)

    looks like nute burn or thrips
  2. W

    What is eating my plants !!!

    its just a seedling man. if was completely severed then its fucked. even if u put rooting powder on it its too late. sorry man
  3. W

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    dude pick em off with a tweezer really carefully. fast!
  4. W

    Hermaphrodite or male plant??

    definetly a herm
  5. W

    Plant growing really slow can someone help

    not enough sun. usually when they have a lot of three fingered leaves it means they dont get enough sun. then again ive only done 4 grows so im not an expert
  6. W

    Do i have a serious problem?

    whyd u take a pic of ur screen lol. they look healthy man, unless the strain u cloned it from didnt have purple stems, theres lots of strains with purple stems or purple leaf stems
  7. W

    could it be a male??? good clear pictures.

    i was checkin out my plant and i noticed these little dots next the the branch comin out of the main branch. male?
  8. W

    i need help with a little clone

    ah ok thanks man i think i killed it but thats fine ill have more on the way. i grow outdoors u think if i put it in the shade theyll be fine?
  9. W

    i need help with a little clone

    so i planted a clone like 2 days ago and was doing fine, but now its droopy and sad lookin'. what conditions should i keep it under? i think it was cause i left it under the sun for too long.
  10. W

    problem with seedlings

    oh cool man thanks i thought i was messin' something up.
  11. W

    Is my girl going hermie?

    they look like pistils to me.
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    Bolting/Shooting? How to stop this?

    i asked a similar question and i was told they werent getting enough light. try givin em more light, not more time with lights but more brightness.
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    problem with seedlings

    yeah thats usually what i do and then stick a skewer next to it and tie a string so it stays straight
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    problem with seedlings

    well i grow outdoors so they get about 12 hours of sunlight. but i think i see where your going, the little guys are stretching out for more light right?
  15. W

    Beautiful Plant - Pretty sure it went Herm looking for input

    thats funny the same thing happened to me so i ate it.
  16. W

    problem with seedlings

    how come every time i plant a germed seed and it comes out of the soil the stem gets way too long, like 1 1/2'' to 2'' of stem and then the 2 little leaves. i plant it about a half inch below the soil and loosely pack the soil on top. what am i doing wrong? how can i prevent this? sorry i have...
  17. W

    three finger leaves

    maybe its cause its not getting enough sun. same happened to me but the next grow i gave it enough sun and now they have 11 finger leaves
  18. W

    2 birds with one stone, help please.

    i have 2 questions i have a clone (left) which i planted about a day ago, is it gonna make it? and does this plant (right) look healthy to u? it has some curling leaves on the top, what does that mean???
  19. W

    my ganja look like there dying need help first timer grower.

    too many nutes way too early. you should flush em out just use normal water with no nutrients thats what i did. and you should transplant them now cause if u wait too long the roots will entangle with the roots of the other plants and rip off when u transplant them.
  20. W

    stunned plant???

    take a picture of it