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  1. thetraveler

    What nutrients can I use with what I'm already using?

    Thanks a lot for your input. Its now week 5, well tomorrow will be, and they're doing great and have no nute burn whatsoever and are lookin awesome! Thanks again for taking the time to give me some explanations. Much appreciated!
  2. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    don't have much more time so I'm just doing another bump to see if anybody has some more advice or input. Thanks in advance!
  3. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    seeing if anybody else has advice
  4. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    I wish I could do that, I would jump on that right away. My problem is that my lights in the tent don't turn ON until 6pm and turn OFF at 6am as to reduce heat in the tent. So unless there is a way to rework my plants' light schedule then I can't do that even though I'd like to because my...
  5. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    Anybody else? Help is much appreciated!
  6. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    I appreciate your response and help. I really dont want to move them outdoors so Im not going to. I'm thinking of starting to use Overdrive on Monday and then flushing a week from Monday the cutting around the 21st. I really want to delay this long enough to get something decent because I've...
  7. thetraveler

    Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???

    My landlord told me today that he doesn't like what I'm doing and needs me to get rid of my setup asap because its a fire hazard. He's completely cool with smoking weed, but doesn't want me growing it. I'm at the end of week 4 and I wanted to know if I could start flushing so maybe I can get...
  8. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    That's awesome I'm going to look into that this weekend. Thanks for the advice!
  9. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I have an oscillating fan inside and about five weeks ago I installed an exhaust fan to suck out the hot air. I'm using a 6" Booster Fan, not an actual inline fan. This is used to work with an inline fan to increase to suction power. I decided to just go with just using a 6" Booster only for...
  10. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Here is another video, now in week 4. Things are starting to get covered in crystals and the smell is intensifying. I'd say let me know what you all think but I'm pretty sure I'm posting them and I'm the only one who watches them hahaha. Anyways, here is this...
  11. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Today is the beginning of week 3 in Flower so I decided to update with a new video. Again, because its a web cam the quality suffers but I think it does it justice. The nugs are starting to fatten even more and the smell is getting stronger and much more strain-unique. This is definitely...
  12. thetraveler

    My first grow, need some input.

    If you're still vegging, get a root stimulator. I use Great White and its given me amazing results and will magically turn a small, puny plant into a big and monstrous beast. Super Thrive is also great. You want to make sure you build a great foundation during the veg stage so when you flip...
  13. thetraveler

    What nutrients can I use with what I'm already using?

    I'm currently nearing the end of my second week of flower. I have nutrients for the whole cycle but I was wondering what other bloom stimulators or enhancers can I use during the weeks of 5 and 6 when I cut out the Bid Bud and wait for Overdrive. This is my current regiment: Week 1 Bud...
  14. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    I only have one 400w HPS, used MH during veg. I want to build a second tent that's bigger with a 600w in it though. How many do you have under your 2 - 600w lights?
  15. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Thanks. I actually started from clones that I got from a reliable source so I knew going into it they would all show signs of being female. As early as the second day when the light came back on I noticed flowering on the God's Gift. So within the first 72 hours I saw noticeable budding on all...
  16. thetraveler


    Your day one of flower video looks good, everything looks healthy. Now for the rewarding part! I have a new video of mine that is the first since I started flowering, I told you I'd have it last weekend but I never had time. Here's a link to the forum where I posted my video of the first day...
  17. thetraveler

    This is my first grow, let me know what you all think

    Well its been a while since I updated, so I decided it was time. Its now the first day of Week 2 of the flowering phase. Budding has shown starting after the first day of flower and now is looking very nice and healthy. The God's Gift especially has the most bud development so far. Everything...
  18. thetraveler


    Flowering time, this is exciting! I just gave my girls 36 hours of darkness last Sunday to Monday to begin the flowering process. I started seeing results after just the first day of flower. I'm exciting for you, this is the most rewarding part of the process! I'm going to make a video of my...
  19. thetraveler


    I hear ya man, having to buy it while you watch your girls grow is depressing, but the end result will be awesome!
  20. thetraveler


    I just checked out your grow, its lookin good! Can't believe I looked through almost every single page haha. I agree with you that pot isn't addictive, but growing it is! I want to know everything and anything about growing