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  1. S

    Question about the blessed seedlings

    RGords92, I think I am just going to do that. They are not going to grow anymore now as it is. They grew like weeds after germination but then they just stopped.
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    Question about the blessed seedlings

    When is the right time to transplant a seedling into the main medium you are going to use for vegetative growth? I am doing DWC and my seedlings are green and healthy but no longer growing. There are some roots showing but not many at all. How much longer should I nurse them in the small...
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    Seeking the diagnosis wisdom of the rollitup sages

    What is the single best way to diagnose the problems with a plant? Right now I believe that the growth of my babies has been stunted due to the heat in my home town. I have been nursing them through this the best I can by watering them down heavy but since they are still seedlings in starter...
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    Indoor growing small tent setup.

    I disagree on the tower of power thing. I thought it was totally worth the cash but that's just my opinion.
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    Indoor growing small tent setup.

    I am a newbie but honestly I'd skip the tent. If you are only going to be growing a few plants I would get the light, a fan, rockwool starters and cubes (if you use rockwool as your medium), buckets, a small flood tray, water pump, air pump and the rest of the nozzles, splitters and stuff that...
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    Nirvana Blue Mystic Autoflowering

    This is a bump as much as anything but I do have something to report. Where I live it is currently in the upper 80s with the promise of more to come for the next few days so I am taking my babies out of the direct sunlight and putting them under a desk lamp with a good light. I am probably going...
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    Nirvana Blue Mystic Autoflowering

    I got five seeds from one of our favorite banks and all five cracked in a few days. I included closeups of all five plants. They range from 4 to 8 days old with the size accurately depicting the length of time in the rockwool. I am using window sunlight a room with temp between 70 and 80 and PH...
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    DNA Genetics UFO Rocklock

    Here are the first pics from this grow journal. The first pic is a picture of the plant in its infancy with the first tiny leaves. The second is a view of the plant from the side. The third is a look at the root system that is beginning to form from the starter that I am using. Questions...
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    stubborn seed shell

    I touched it with a toothpick and it just fell off. The leave probably would have pushed it off because it was just sitting there. Now the plant is fully exposed to my light. The way this thing is going the fan leaves will probably reach proper form by tomorrow morning. :)
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    stubborn seed shell

    I don't have my camera connector right now so I can't post a pic but my plant is growing pretty decent right now. I have started it in a starter kit and it popped and is growing quite quickly with the first leaves already beginning to sprout. The problem I have is that the seed casing is still...
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    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    How do you get a caregiver license?
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    Just ordered

    After thinking about this long and hard I have decided not to germinate any of the seeds that I get even if I get them. The more research I do I discover how easy it is to get caught growing in an apartment and just don't believe it's worth the risk. It was a costly lesson. I am still going...
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    Thinking of using Attitude, Advise needed.

    I ordered from attitude, got my order and discovered that they only shipped part of the order. They didn't ship the bulk of it. I sent a nice email to them since I got guaranteed shipping so I am hoping that they will make it right. An empty pouch was not the best feeling in the world. Be aware...
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    Just ordered

    I doubt it came in two orders as I got my empty sealed pouch. I did contact them and yes I ordered the guaranteed shipping. I was nice.
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    Just ordered

    Whether or not I get the seeds now is moot. I have discovered another way to get them that is legal and legit in the US.
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    Just ordered

    My retribution has nothing to do with cops or authorities of any kind. Retribution was the wrong word and it was used with a bit of irritation at having not recieved what I ordered. I feel bad that I posted that now. At least I got part of my order. My intent was to keep everything in the...
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    Just ordered

    I am no rat. I just know people in the community and with there help I can put a much brighter light on the issues. Thanks.
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    Just ordered

    You don't understand. If I don't get my order there are certain people in authority that I can talk to with impunity.... I will not except an incomplete order without some kind of retribution.
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    Just ordered

    I got my order today and discovered that although the bonus package arrived my original order was nowhere to be found. Just an empty pouch with the brand name of the product on the bag. Needless to say I contacted them immediately via email to express my disatisfaction with there service and...
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    Order from Attitude not recieved...

    Your order may have been picked randomly from the batch of orders and searched. If that is the case they may have confiscated it. If you have been waiting this long I would assume that you are not going to get your shipment. It's been picked up. I hope the same does not happen to mine. :cry: