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    ATTN SUBCOOL: Please Help ASAP

    "on about"? i'm on about getting to the root of the problem and so far you've been absolutely no help!! whats done is done and my plants need help. i realize that i have deviated from the recipe. i know its not exactly super soil. i just dont see what difference it makes if the humic acid is...
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    Deficiency or Over-fed, Need help FAST!!!!

    so the yellowing and dead tips are from overfeeding? i was starting to think that it was a lock out but wouldnt the smaller shiva have been effected too? if its overfeeding due to the booster and the smaller shiva can handle higher nutes shouldnt the bigger shivas (especially same pheno) be...
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    ATTN SUBCOOL: Please Help ASAP

    if your using liquid bloom booster and liguid guano and humic acid then youve over done it mate. Sub the only thing additional i am using is the bloom booster, which says to use in combination with your normal nutrients. there is no humic acid in the soil, the only kind i could find is...
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    ATTN SUBCOOL: Please Help ASAP

    We are currently growing in super soil and are experiencing some type of nutrient problem. We originally meant to post here but accidentally posted in organics. Our Ph has been between 6 and 6.5 for the entire grow. Plants are in 4 gallon, or more, buckets. The bat guano we got is watered in...
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    Deficiency or Over-fed, Need help FAST!!!!

    here are a few pics of our shiva skunk that is ahead of the others. i cant help but wonder why she's had no problems if the bloom booster is the what's causing the yellowing and the tips to die on the bigger plants. any thoughts on this?
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    Deficiency or Over-fed, Need help FAST!!!!

    nope, the dolomite lime was not left out of the mix
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    Deficiency or Over-fed, Need help FAST!!!!

    First let me say, the plants HAVE been flushed.. after about 265 gallons of water & 6 hours. LOL. Let me give you guys a lil more info. Dolomite is in the recipe for Super Soil and is in our soil as well. Our Ph has been between 6 and 6.5 for the entire grow. Plants are in 4 gallon, or more...
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    Deficiency or Over-fed, Need help FAST!!!!

    We're currently growing in Super Soil. We're not sure we got our numbers entirely right. We are 21 days into flowering and we're definitely seeing a problem. This condition started out only on the lower leaves but today we noticed it in the upper leaves too. Can someone please identify the...