thats where you are wrong. research shows trends and commonalities which themselves in fact DO give a basis for prediction. yes you are entitled to whatever vote you like, but what makes you think you have the right to dissuade others or even speak in an argument without getting educated on the...
no you have tons of evidence presented to you including multiple clarifications to the bill as well as a direct link to the voters guide itself with very clear wording. you choosing to ignore it doesnt mean its not there.
"i attack you personally and dont understand why you take it personal"... think before speaking. and no i do not get mad at people with the ability to make money making money. they wouldnt be in business if they didnt. stop being an ignorant hippy and ill work on not being a clone.. lol @ clone...
if the arguments are going to be based on nothing than why should the opposed side be the only ones mud-slinging? they refuse to listen to thought out and supported information and instead vomit up the same base-less arguments over and over. so yes im done with the nice nice. if you want to have...
when i realized you werent listening to rational thought is when i lost all respect for you. you are a base moron and (though it may be unintentional) you are working to perpetuate a highly flawed system and by your ignorance attempting to ruin our first REAL chance towards legalization...
sure... sure...
and WHAT if ANYTHING brought you to that? people are going to fucking make money any possible way they can even if it is at the expense of others. what species of retarded monkey do you have to be to halt progression and stand in the way of a step towards ending prohibition...
well said. try to keep that composure, i know mine is slipping pretty quickly with these people walking through life with blinders on oblivious to realities even when presented right in front of them. irritating...
p.s. im unsure how to do the multi-quote thing so sorry for multiple posts
you are STILL only referring to city ordinance that has nothing to do with prop 19. petition your city council, mayor, and neighbors for that issue. christ! i didnt think anyone could be so absurdly daft and void of intellect, you've proven that they in fact can. so ill say thank YOU sir for...
this is an inherently moronic response...
"im voting no because im voting no. your logic and reason wont change me from voting no for no reason!"
to save our lazy naysayers some time...
7. Ensure, if a city decides not to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis, that buying and selling cannabis within that city’s limits remain illegal, but that the city’s citizens still have the right to possess and consume small amounts...
you dont understand it because you failed to read. IF THEY NOW HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO SMOKE, NO MATTER THEIR AGE, UNDER 215 THAT WILL NOT BE TAKEN AWAY OR CHANGED IN ANY WAY BY PROP 19. read dammit read!
hence the purpose of a debate...
this is getting tiresome. you don't listen, assume everything we present is "opinion" no matter the source, and carry on with your same tired ignorant rant. i didn't dislike you, but im starting to. euthanize the stupid, let freedom reign on those that can yank...
its more than a difference of opinion when factual information is displayed and ignored on one side and not one of you opponents have given any legitimate sources. you are kidding yourself if you think your random fear based on hearsay is a worthwhile argument. give us something to go off. give...
again incorrect. read the voter's guide here:
if it is still unclear to you then read the translation previously posted by Peron's lawyer for simple explanation.
your short-sighted idea to kill the prop and wait for better is simply...
delusional. your "theories" have already been debunked. read farther back in this thread and a few others. following along at and NORML's website. learn the facts and read the measure. your initial complaint that preceded this nonsense was about a city ordinance which is in not...