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  1. Rockpot

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Thank you everyone, so I'll keep growing & we'll see.
  2. Rockpot

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    They are in the greenhouse. There might be some light from the neighbor, but last year we didn't have this kind of problem at all. It's so weird.
  3. Rockpot

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Here are more pictures. I took some out and see the inside, there is a seed in it. Only one seed in each.
  4. Rockpot

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Hi everyone, I have some plants and they are all female and they're budding just fine, until lately I noticed that they're producing seeds. As you can see in the picture. What should I do to the plants, 2-3 of them are producing seeds just the same like this one. Should I keep them...
  5. Rockpot

    New leaf is yellow!

    Hi everyone, I'm growing my plant in the backyard and lately the new leaf turns yellow.. pale as you can see in the picture. I've read and found this "Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly..." Is it the same problem that...
  6. Rockpot

    Leaf Problem, Please help... ( with pictures)

    Hi guys, I grow my plants in Greenhouse, and now I have 2 problems found on the leaf. A & B , please give me some advise:confused: Thank you
  7. Rockpot

    How to make this "10 weeks old Baby" grows BIGGER?

    Thanks!! I hope it grows faster this month
  8. Rockpot

    How to make this "10 weeks old Baby" grows BIGGER?

    The bucket 55 Gallons cut half, I think... not so sure. :-)
  9. Rockpot

    How to make this "10 weeks old Baby" grows BIGGER?

    I have some pictures here!!
  10. Rockpot

    How to make this "10 weeks old Baby" grows BIGGER?

    Hi everyone, I'm growing this baby outdoor and it is 10 weeks old, 20 inches tall only....:-( I use the Miracle grow soil, feed them with Miracle grow plant food also but it looks small, right?? My question for you guys who grow such a big giant plant..... How to make this little baby...
  11. Rockpot

    Male/Female can u help me figure this out its killing me?

    It does look like a male for me, I have 4-5 male plants.... Not a good news but we gotta get rid those male plants. Cheers!
  12. Rockpot

    Is it a male?

    yeah... that 's sad! but thank you very much. Time to get rid it off.
  13. Rockpot

    Is it a male?

    Hi again, I got more pictures, this plant I started on March 1st. So, it's 2 months old. It is the tallest one in the group and I wish it's a female. This one is the best plant I've so far. Thank you for your helps!
  14. Rockpot

    Is it a male?

    Hi guys, I'm so new and need some help. Please, I think it's a male, am I right?