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  1. Jayke

    Could We Make a Weed Religion?

    I wouldn't be that funny to if I was being video taped and tested all day every day though out the movie.
  2. Jayke

    Mellow, Trippy, Meaningful lyrics??

    Thanks lol I've been looking for the one called "tangerine sky" but i didn't know what it was called or who it was by haha
  3. Jayke

    Mellow, Trippy, Meaningful lyrics??

    Thanks, will do ^^
  4. Jayke

    Mellow, Trippy, Meaningful lyrics??

    If anyone knows of any music thats mellow, trippy, and preferably with meaningful lyrics please post it here. I'm trying to make a mellow playlist. THANKS!!! Sample: Oasis- Champaign supernova
  5. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Oh i'm experienced, just rhino isn't in my region I guess, though when I get growing I plan to be buying a lot of seeds ;)
  6. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    I can't agree to that, I ever had the opportunity to smoke it....
  7. Jayke

    Could We Make a Weed Religion?

    There is already a marijuana religion, Its legit, and they are allowed to smoke in the temple because its "religion purpose" Can someone say "loop-hole"
  8. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    What paranoid thoughts? maybe we can help you? and its okay np
  9. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Thanks for the heads up, I was leaning more toward buying a couple of waterfarms instead, maybe from ebay. They are about $500 a pop so idk maybe.
  10. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Nice! I can't wait till I start growing haha
  11. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    I already voted, got my niffty sticker to prove it haha But anyway, I don't wanna be hypocritical, so lets not fill this forum with chatter. If you wanna still talk, just message me, cool?
  12. Jayke

    Needing Tips and Ideas on a Hydroponic System!! Please..

    Thanks man, i'm looking it up now. I'm sure if its something I feel adventuring into, ill find something to download on it lol
  13. Jayke

    Needing Tips and Ideas on a Hydroponic System!! Please..

    Ill look into it, I have a similar "bible" I refer to when growing, its been written by Jorge Cervantes, he also has a 3 dvd series on growing I also have downloaded.
  14. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Well at least it help to a point, hope you find a permanent solution one day but yeah funny stuff lol Just like when I saw my mom taking shots in the kitchen lol *walks in walks out* Yeah I smoke a lot to, not for medical reasons but more um.. personal reasons. I'm Irish but instead of drowning...
  15. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Alright people this guy is OBVIOUSLY bull-shitting lol If any new growers read this, don't listen to him hes just trying to get you caught lol Pay your bills, keep a low-profile Don't start your first grow with train wreck, thats a high quality plant to risk. Start with something that you can...
  16. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    Right on man, I honestly have a huge passion for growing cannabis. Not saying you don't but just saying none the less. I do expect to invest lots into my career or growing, not making it my MAIN job but definitely a good source of income.
  17. Jayke

    Needing Tips and Ideas on a Hydroponic System!! Please..

    Not sure on what hydro system, i'm leaning toward the flood/drain system
  18. Jayke

    (General requirements)

    KO62706, i'm also going to give you mad approval for being...yes, female. Up were I am, I tried to teach a couple of girls up here, the business, encase something happened to me. I felt they were the most mature out of my friends. But its aggravating, all the girls up here are so damn use to...
  19. Jayke

    Needing Tips and Ideas on a Hydroponic System!! Please..

    Nice man I just looked it up, looks very expensive for me, speaking I'm just starting off lol I might actually invest into a couple of these, I emailed the designer/site owner and he said he could switch the design to feature a hydroponic system for extra cost.