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  1. N

    garden tracker software

    Anyone anyone
  2. N

    garden tracker software

    What devices are you using to measure ph and ppm? I have never found a 'computarized' device cheap to measure either especially ppm?
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    garden tracker software

    There are a lot of different software apps out there where this one is unique and i haven't seen on web. for hardware i purchased a main board ,that hooks to my pc (size of a wallet), a couple ph sensors/adapters, light sensor and a temp/humidity device. i also had to purchase the app that...
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    garden tracker software

    check it out, either on my pc or smartphone i can check my ph, temperature, humidity and lights anywhere anytime! the hardware was a little investment but well worth it! i love technology!!!
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    Plants not eating

    I have an aeroponics under the UFO LED and it seems my plants are not eating. I am using the receipe for success and in week 3 of veg and my EC/PPM reading is stay about the same and sometimes rises (700ppm). My ph seems to go down. I started the first 3 weeks using only 1/4 the nutes that...
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    topping/cloning when growing from seed

    I was wondering how long you should wait to top your plant or take a clone when growing from seed?
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    Bud Tracker Software

    Nice app you wrote! As for the meter it is cool but a little pricey. I am holding off for the bud tracker if it is around 500
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    brownish roots

    hmmm not sure you know what i am talking about. my aeroponics is all in one resevoir with a pipe in the middle with sprinklers. i could put 30 gallons or more in there but currently only have 12. the roots are growing longer every day and now in the resevoir water. so what am i suppose to do?
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    brownish roots

    I am using an aeroponics system and noticed where my roots are not in the water they are slightlty brown but where they sit in the water they are white and look good. Is this normal or a problem?
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    Bud Tracker Software

    From what I saw for around $500 you can monitor the basics ph, temp/humidity, lights, water temp and EC/PPM. This includes hardware and software. There are also additional add-ons if you want to do more. i will post site once I have more info.
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    Bud Tracker Software

    I dont believe it is released yet but I will post again once I find out. Yes I believe that is what it is called. from what i read bud tracker will be relatively cheap for the software itself because there is also cost for the devices you need like a ph, ec, tds probe, temp/humidity sensors and...
  12. N

    Bud Tracker Software

    Has anyone heard of or using the software bud tracker? I hear it is an awesome app that pretty much allows you to monitor ph, ec, tds, temp, humidity, lights and some other items. It can be a pain to measure multiple times per day and having it tied into software with alerts and logging is...
  13. N

    bud tracker software?

    I dont believe it is released yet but I will post again once I find out. I checked out the grow assistant and it is not as advanced as you stated. from what i read bud tracker will be relatively cheap for the software itself because there is also cost for the devices you need like a ph, ec...
  14. N

    bud tracker software?

    Has anyone heard of or using the software bud tracker? I hear it is an awesome app that pretty much allows you to monitor ph, ec, tds, temp, humidity, lights and some other items. It can be a pain to measure multiple times per day and having it tied into software with alerts and logging is...
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    Update, I received my order from them within 2 weeks plus the freebies. I guess once harvested the truth will be told. So far 100% germination! Looks like people just talk on here on things they have no clue on
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    Starting a Mother Plant

    I started 1 plant from seed that has been growing for a little over a month. I have it on a 24 hr light cycle and my goal is to take clones. I am not sure if it is a female yet but what i want to do is let it continue to grow, take some clones from it and then determine the sex from one of...
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    newbie meter reading questions

    I read and appreciate your response and asking what do you keep your EC around? 2.0? I measured it again tonight and it is down to 2.7.
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    newbie meter reading questions

    what is ideal for EC and ppm during veg and flowering stage then? Thanks
  19. N

    newbie meter reading questions

    I have a 1 gallon aerogarden with one plant in it and have some questions regarding meter reading. I have the milwaukee 3 in 1 meter and using liquid earth nutrients Vigor and grow. my plant was started from seed and just over a month old. doing my readings today here is what i got: ec is...
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    Water Treatment newbie question

    Is it true I can simply take my tap water and let it sit at room temperature for 3 or more days and it will take out the additives from the water?