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  1. snadwichbag

    leaf tips curling up ?

    My leaves are having the same problems. my water ph 6.5 & i just add 2 gallons water mixed with: 5ml of floragro, 10ml florabloom, 1 drop of super vit, 10ml bud candy, and my leases are truning yellow and brown . also one my plants all of the leaves just hanging there like there no life in the...
  2. snadwichbag

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    ok, so i should just pick the seeds
  3. snadwichbag

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    If Male plants dont make seeds, they make pollen sacks? why dose my plant have both(seeds & pollen sacks )? & I know its a boy, the other one was a girl and she was good too me 3oz
  4. snadwichbag

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    the female ur finish, idont have no females just one male and two new plants. so i should just end it and pick the seeds, right
  5. snadwichbag

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    I have a male plant, he about 4mons old with no thc just seed. With about two weeks to go, WILL I HAVE THC at the end of this run? My temp is 91f 37H and the Seeds are ready i picked two of them to see if there ready and there growing fine. 12 leaves on the new grow ALREADY FLOWERING 12/12...
  6. snadwichbag

    bud size

    I did the samething at about 11am it's 3:48pm still feel it. I'm on week 3 of flowering with 30 more days and just wont to sample it. She's Good...
  7. snadwichbag

    northern lights stem red

    the stems on my leaves are turning red not the leaves. the leave tips browning, i don't use ph at all Ive been giving it hard water for 2 1/2 weeks into 11 days flowering. i just gave it some new water yesterday with 3tsp floramicro mixed with 8tsp florabloom and 2.5gallons hard water. i...
  8. snadwichbag

    How to make thc crystals ?

    i think he was trying to abstract the crystals from the weed (2oz) by taking to weed and putting in freezer and running the same ice cold alcohol over it every 6hrs for 3 to 4 day to rinse the thc crystal off the weed and then let the alcohol dry up and you have pure thc crystal to mix with all...
  9. snadwichbag

    My new Setup....Eat your heart out :)

    how do he eat a day?
  10. snadwichbag

    Can I reduce light cycle by three hours

    did it speed up or slow down?
  11. snadwichbag

    Cloning help please :)

    I just made 2 clones. 1 is a water clone with nothing but water the other 1 is a 2L & a 16oz pop bottle cut in half to make a humidity dome & pot.
  12. snadwichbag

    Can I reduce light cycle by three hours

    I'm a aggressive grower, but what wont to know is : if I change my light from a 12\12 to a 10\14 will it slow down or speed up the flowering?
  13. snadwichbag

    My new Setup....Eat your heart out :)

    closeup of the 16 day old buds is looking good. :smile: and that cat is big, $22,000 she will have to be ride-able.
  14. snadwichbag

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    lol, i went out of town for 2 week on my last pack. i just put it the tub, turn on the water on drip, & opened the window. when i came back the plants 4x big and taller, well it grow over to the window then up it.
  15. snadwichbag

    Need help/advice...closet gets to hot with all the CFLs running.

    Speeds Twin Window Fan $35 put 1 or 2 in the door way blowing air out and in at the same time. i used them now and they have remotes controlled motors, Adjustable Thermostat for Automatic Comfort Control (they turn off and on as it get hot i like that).
  16. snadwichbag

    Big or small plants?

    1000w kinda scares me 2 but i wont one bad. small plants can be just as good as big plant. long veg periods give big yields, imo.
  17. snadwichbag

    Is it a male?

    Do you have to get rid of it? I found my plant ice is a boy today. i pull him out waterfarm & put him in a pot. he is the small one but still smoke-able, Right?
  18. snadwichbag

    kushi kush

    Carbo Load Liquid Carbo Load Powder HammerHead PK 5/10 Big Bud Liquid Big Bud Powder Bud Blood Overdrive Voodoo Juice Final Phase Revive Wet Betty Bud Candy Kushie Kush i need a stand alone bloom that will work but overdrive worked last year I'm using it again on the last two weeks and...
  19. snadwichbag

    Anybody use CFLS and SUNLIGHT?

    I was thinking that if you mix the light colors, it's just like mix food coloring, & yellow and blue make green but mix white and any color and get a lighter color. Ture or Fulse ????