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  1. joshthehappy

    Can we get rid of the new little black "support" box in the bottom right?

    Yeah, no i like having it enabled for other shit, i was hoping someone that had something to with it would see this.
  2. joshthehappy

    support button doesn't work

    I wish i could make the little black button go away; i hate little floaty buttons that are stuck on every fucking page of a site.
  3. joshthehappy

    Can we get rid of the new little black "support" box in the bottom right?

    Even if it stays, can i get little close button on it?
  4. joshthehappy

    Can we get rid of the new little black "support" box in the bottom right?

    I really hate floating crap on web sites, there is no reason to force the support button on every page i view here. I do appreciate the easy link to help, but i tend to not come back to websites that have floating buttons that i can't get rid of. I don't want to sound whiny or annoyed, but the...
  5. joshthehappy

    600w mh/hps closet grow 5yr old ak47 and Dr Gt's endless sky big laughing c99

    Damn, sorry not to speak up sooner, i tend to keep quiet and read, this one had my interest.
  6. joshthehappy

    NEW GROW ROOM!!! 600W HPS flowering room complete build.

    Color me impressed, all around. I also really like your home-made cloner. I've not payed much attention to cloners and i really like the simplicity of that one. Even more so i like the little healthy roots.
  7. joshthehappy

    CO2 Enhanced 400 watt HPS Stealth SCROG Cabinets

    Just coat them with black krylon fusion then a white coat of it, no light getting through that bitch, with plenty of reflectivity to keep water temp down. Also easier to manage than wrapped up buckets. Just my 2¢.
  8. joshthehappy

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    Two things: What kind of real friend runs their mouth? (and to their mommy) How old is this friend that his mother can still tell him to move out? Mamma's boy, i'd kick him in the asshole on the way out.
  9. joshthehappy

    I've always wanted to know

    Search Feature is amazing eh?
  10. joshthehappy

    North Carolina To Be The Next State?

    Hell yeah, i may me be moving one state north in few months! But - check this out ya'll: (i never really use that word - i'm from the south, but not southern) South Carolina General Bill S. 220 It was Drafted in '06 and presented in '07, pretty much sitting on the governor's desk since then.
  11. joshthehappy

    Advanced Nutrients PM/PPM Perfect is Awesome!

    This is a link to a prepackaged bundle: They have other options and what not.:leaf: