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  1. T

    My Pink Lady

    Okay, so here is my setup. Just some background, I had some bag seed and started growing some in a paper towel box from sams. Anyway, it got too big so I threw this together one day. I built a simple frame out of 1*2s and then stapled poster board for the side walls. The bottom is built with...
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    My Pink Lady

    I will post pics of the whole setup tonight
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    My Pink Lady

    4 plants. I bought 2 utility light hoods at Lowes($9 each) and split those. Then I have an old bathroom vanity light that has three bulbs so I split those. I rigged it all level in the top of the cabinet.
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    My Pink Lady

    I was wrong about my lights. This is what i had when I double checked. Less lumens but still seems to...
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    My Pink Lady

    I had never seen pink hairs before this plant. Earlier on it was so pink some days I would just sit and stare at it. I get the bulbs at lowes. I will dig up the specifics. The nice thing about the bulbs is they are half the size now that they were when I originally started buying them. I...
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    My Pink Lady

    Please take a look at my grow! I have 10, 40 wattt 2700 lumen CFL's in a cabinet. I used MG Orchid soil and for the last three weeks have been feeding them MG bloom boost once a week. I am using 3 gallon bag pots. They have been on 12/12 for roughly 6 weeks and flowering for 4. I just used...
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    Cold basement/fan setup

    Many thanks! What kind of heater do you use?
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    Cold basement/fan setup

    I have a cfl closet grow. This is my third grow and I am pleased with my previous harvests. This is my first time growing through winter and I am concerned about the temperatures in my basement. It stays around 65 during the day and cools down to 58 or so at night. The temps in my closet...
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    Hermaphrodite and our life together.

    I just completed my first grow:eyesmoke:. I have a small closet setup with 3 40 watt cfls and 1 100 watt cfl. I had two plants that I had grown from random collected seeds. One was an indica the other a sativa. The indica was small but had a what I consider a decent yield for my first grow...
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    Are these ready for harvest??

    Thanks everyone!
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    Are these ready for harvest??

    Sorry, You already said it could pollinate the others, I guess what I am asking is if this is close enough should I harvest it and clean the box. The other plants are not showing sex yet and have only been in there for 3 days. Will I need to clean the box?
  12. T

    Are these ready for harvest??

    I am guessing you can still smoke it? Is it about ready to harvest? I have a small grow box and all my other plants are in there. I just moved them from my nursery to the box and 12/12 lighting. Are these guys screwed now, will this hermie pollinate the others? Thanks for everyones...
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    Are these ready for harvest??

    Is hermied bad?
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    Are these ready for harvest??

    Howdy folks, first time grower. If you wouldn't mind, please take a look and let me know how close to harvest I am. I have gone through the tutorial but I am not too confident about making the final call on my own. I am embarrassed to ask but could you also identify which plant is the indica...
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    How many cfls?

    I would agree with Manstrong, I am growing 3 plants under 4 40 watt 2720 lumen CFLs and everything is looking good.
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    How does this plant look?

    I don't know what it is. I just had a jar of seeds I had collected. Out of the 6 I tried 4 plants grew. This which I believe is Sativa and 3 indicas, two of those were male so i am down to two. Plan on ordering good seeds as I get better at this. How should I groom it?
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    How does this plant look?

    Thanks guys! I love this forum.
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    How does this plant look?

    Any soil suggestions on the repotting? How much light do you suggest? Thanks for the feedback!
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    How does this plant look?

    I have a small grow cabinet. I have two plants in there under 4 40 watt 2720 lumen cfl bulbs. The temp is right around 75 degrees with constant airflow. I have been really pleased with how well its gone so far. I had to go out of town for 10 days. I watered the plants every 3 to 4 days...
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    Going out of town, how do i water?

    I am going out of town for ten days. I usually water the plants every 3 days or so right now. Can I setup some kind of drip or does anyone have a suggestion? They are in their fifth week of flowering.