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  1. F

    Check my 9 weeks old plants

    now it's 10 weeks old! the buds are abit thin and small, how much time do you think they will less till I need to harvest? thanks
  2. F

    Check my 9 weeks old plants

    hey haven't been here for a while, since my first grow. This is my second timr growing, they've been flowering for 2 weeks now the wild going one is flowing for week and a half, it's summer and the sun is out but so do lot's of little annoying insects :) enjoy!
  3. F

    here's an update after about month

    check it out, this baby survived a whole month in the cold winter and the puffings are dammmn good i tell ya :joint::hump:
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    question about polinated female

    kochab may be right, I don't have many many seeds that may be cause I removed allot of male clusters when I noticed them. thanks!
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    question about polinated female

    so I noticed that my female flower started having male clusters I removed as many as I could but of course I might have missed some, today I actually noticed a few seeds but they are still green and getting developed, so this is what's a pollinated female is? near that plant there's a 100%...
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    7 weeks old females flowering + question

    yes you right, I'm amazed that you sucseeded determine the sex, yesterday I noticed the male clusters, I removed as many as I could I hope it would prevent polinaiting what do you think? thanks!
  7. F

    7 weeks old females flowering + question

    by the way the plant is 7 weeks old, it has been flowering for 1.5 weeks
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    7 weeks old females flowering + question

    here's my buty... I noticed some male pollen sacks under the female flower I was very scared my female would be pollinated so I quickly removed all thsoe sacks, what is the reason for this phenomenon ? could it be my males I recently killed them all but they were flowering much early before...
  9. F

    taking pics of the buds at night

    mmm but wait, so if you say notto use falsh at nights on the buds why did you used? those looks like buds after all
  10. F

    taking pics of the buds at night

    and in the day when the sun is shining but not directly on the plant? (on casual day light) ? thanks!
  11. F

    taking pics of the buds at night

    If I use flash when taking pics at night can I shock the plants and than recive seeds in the buds? thank's
  12. F

    question about cloning

    thanks alot everyone, I think I'll do good and pictures soon..
  13. F

    question about cloning

    Do I have to dip the cut branch in a root hormone in order to make my clone grow and develope? thank's!
  14. F

    Finally! some females!

    hey I recently noticed some pistils from a pre flower level and a female bud check it out! it's abit early to say but I think it's a female it looks deifferent from the way the male looked in his first days..
  15. F

    question about moving the plants

    so the sex of the plant depend on the seed that it is developed from and not by the amount of light he is getting? i heard that it is depend on the light and if you sock a plant with a light in the middle of the night he can become a male of a polinitade female correct me if im wrong...
  16. F

    question about moving the plants

    The winter in my country is not that cold I think where I come from 12 degrees are the coldest it gets. you may all be right, the moving did not cause it but since they are in the back yard they are getting much less sun, I think they get about 5 - 6 hours of sun a day, and this is why I...
  17. F

    question about moving the plants

    I recently moved my 5 plants ( 2 weeks ago) and that was about the time they started flowering bloody males, could it be the reason for it? now that they are at the back yard they get abit less staight sun-light, any way I'm thinking to end them all and make hash and start growing again under a...
  18. F

    Help in defining males/ females

    mm that sucks so bad.. well i still got 2 more plants lets see whats ahead for them to grow.. at least i have something to make good hash from, anyway it is 5 weeks old now and it is my first growing i think i learned from it. it will start getting colder soon and i will get me a nice lamp for...
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    Help in defining males/ females

    these are very young flowers hopefully you could tell me if they are malle or females althought I'm pretty sure they're males :( anyways..
  20. F

    my 4 weeks old plants + questions

    oh that's cool but how can i make sure he stayes near my plant? do I need to put a net around them or something? that's kinda sad to hear i saw one near my plants today and I thought he can harm them so I turned him off he was a baby mantis and there aint no way they can harm my plant? Thank's!