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  1. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Grow box idea.

    I was thinking of turning this cabinet intow a small grow box the measurements are 16" by15" by 10" i was going to put 4 octagon lamp boxes and hook up either 80w or 100w cfl bulbs wired to an extension cord end, i do know the proper wiring proceduers and have taken electrical, i am also going...
  2. goodthingsgrowinontario


    It is extremely hard to find a full undamaged finger print, and even if by chance they did find one, it wont matter unless youve got some previous crime on your record and your prints are in the data base. And there isnt just a suitcase of csi shit in every cop car what usually happens is the...
  3. goodthingsgrowinontario

    New strain needs a name

    Call it Plated Purple Hush pronounced like hush as in be quiet
  4. goodthingsgrowinontario

    my attitude seeds rant

    Successful Troll is Successful.
  5. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Increasing bag weight
  6. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Great Videos For Outdoor Growing. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4...
  7. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Help pruning my plants

    I just wanted to know if i should prune the suckers that are coming up at each node Ive already pruned some leaves in the spiral staircase fashion.
  8. goodthingsgrowinontario

    1st Grow PICTURES

    Thanks for the input, good luck with your grow.
  9. goodthingsgrowinontario

    1st Grow PICTURES

    Not yellow, but it's weird they are all started from random seeds and the one in the last picture is very bright green, and the one in the second picture is a darker green with a dark red stem
  10. goodthingsgrowinontario

    1st Grow PICTURES

    Started a little late this year, just took these photos today
  11. goodthingsgrowinontario

    First outdoor grow

    those all look nice and healthy
  12. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Is this spot any good

    Looks alright but be careful of flooding and dont put your plants in rows just scatter them everywhere.
  13. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Growing In Canada-Ontario

    The best way to grow IMO is to plant the clone/ seedling, water it, and just let it do its thing. You'd be suprised how much a plant will yield if you just don't fuck with it. Thats not to say that you should just take some seeds throw them in a hole and expect them to grow 8 ft tall, if your...
  14. goodthingsgrowinontario

    Starting my plants.

    Right now i have 2 seedlings in a pc grow box i made, Im not planning to keep them in there, im just using it to start them out earlier. The only problem is that sometimes im not at home to turn the lights on or off, when this happens ive just been putting them on my windowsill, is this ok? My...