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  1. jacksonman1993

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    end of the year september october i pay around 130-170
  2. jacksonman1993

    been 7.5 weeks now...

    Dr. chronic man seriously he doesnt fuck around..
  3. jacksonman1993

    Canadian seed exchange stuck me with indoor seeds!

    idk man just try to grow them if you have too... unless your grow indoors lol or in a greenohuse...:S
  4. jacksonman1993

    Does anyone know when grow season starts in Canada this year?

    hey the dude wheres the toronto seed bank gunna be? i live in dunnville only about an hour away.. nd i need to get some seeds.
  5. jacksonman1993

    Does anyone know when grow season starts in Canada this year?

    im growing too i live in dunnville if you know where that is..
  6. jacksonman1993

    Does anyone know when grow season starts in Canada this year?

    where abouts in the southern region ?
  7. jacksonman1993

    Is this plant I found weed?

    hemp for sure lol
  8. jacksonman1993

    Question about Quebec and polymer crystals

    ahahha canada rules the dope ladder!
  9. jacksonman1993

    Outdoor strains for growing in Central Ontario

    where abouts in central ontario?
  10. jacksonman1993

    Weird shit

    :joint::peace:ahhaha thats sweet man hope it goes well for you:peace::joint:
  11. jacksonman1993


    yah it matters watch out for copters today i seen 1 flying around the forest and i live in canada and the plants dont start coming out till may so idk....
  12. jacksonman1993

    Mixing Goat Shit wit Miricle grow soil

    lol i was kidding im 25 check out my plants on my profile how is a 14 year old gunna grow like that :S ahaha
  13. jacksonman1993

    Mixing Goat Shit wit Miricle grow soil

    yah you dont need the goat shit. im 14 and im aswell getting in the dope growing :)
  14. jacksonman1993

    Happy 420 day everyone *rep for all*

    HAPPY 420 :) :) :) light it up!!!!
  15. jacksonman1993

    Best Time to Plant

    umm... i would say around may 24. when it heats up a little bit. good luck :)
  16. jacksonman1993

    Not so stealth shipping ((Nirvana))

    thats retarted bro sorry to hear. :@
  17. jacksonman1993

    Indoor/Outdoor Small Setup (MANY Pics)

    where abouts do you live?
  18. jacksonman1993

    Dood, let's try this again

    good luckk (Y) :)
  19. jacksonman1993

    My pot movie

    inspiration to us all!!!! :) :) :) thank you browndirt!!!! keep it rockin dude (Y)