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  1. skriptsFORdaze

    A Case Full Of Glass

    hey did u ever manage to think of something for that xanax bar chillum??? i can pay right now
  2. skriptsFORdaze

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    did anyone post the cops side of this ???
  3. skriptsFORdaze

    A Case Full Of Glass

    any progress on the xanax bar shaped chillum?? hahaha
  4. skriptsFORdaze

    Calling all women......

    this ones easy... DONT TRY.. thats it, they fuckin hate that shit,, and then THEY do all the work. its hilarious, simple, and effective
  5. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    what the fuck is that??? lol... u know .... i dont come on here very sober.
  6. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    ra bbit pellets?
  7. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    NO FUCKING CLUE...... something made of stone???
  8. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    they serve tiger penis there.
  9. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    i FUCKIN heard of that place when i was there.. some hostel bartender tried to get me to go,, ,but i never did.
  10. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    naw man. im telling you.. its good shit. theres this jerky place out there... jerky EVERYTHING... i dont recommend raccoon though... that shit was gross. but ya... u gotta try ostrich... the eggs are kinda gross though
  11. skriptsFORdaze

    A Case Full Of Glass

    u do great work,, i have a challenge for you....... i tried to send you a pm TWICE and both times my "sent messages" folder was empty afterwards .. so i'd like to post it here if i may.... they call me skripts, by THEY i mean EVERYONE... my gf.. my mom,,, my friends.. THEIR moms... everyone...
  12. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    wait,,, ostriches cant fly can they?????
  13. skriptsFORdaze

    What is that?

    ostrich is fucking BOMB dude!! especially ostrich jerky... furreals
  14. skriptsFORdaze

    impress me for free glass

    hmmm,,,, i went to amsterdam in the "not tourist friendly" season (which is the rainy part of early spring). and let's see.... i got a cop to light my pipe whilst i was sitting on his car (fora photo) ... the number on the train that took us through the chunnel was "420" (i shit you not) ...
  15. skriptsFORdaze

    impress me for free glass

    yo that first piece is fuckin SICK dude.
  16. skriptsFORdaze

    impress me for free glass

    aww man really??? dang.. cuz that was some really cool shit. oh well. i tried.
  17. skriptsFORdaze

    Some of my drawings. all done with a ball point pen. what ya think?

    that's fucking bad ass man..... good job
  18. skriptsFORdaze

    impress me for free glass

    i smoked out with,,, got onto dvd ,,, and traded our brand name hoody's with the kottonmouth kings.... gotta be a bit impressed.. not even a comment on my story? i'm saddened
  19. skriptsFORdaze

    impress me for free glass

    so my story didnt count??????
  20. skriptsFORdaze

    Non-Smoker / Pot Head For Life

    cuz man, i went to amsterdam,,, you dont even understand the weed out there man,,, got back,,, kinda faded out of smoking,, couldnt get any good shit back in 01-02 ,, not like in amsterdam,, didnt get my card til like 06 ,, by then i was over it, i smoke here n there, only medical shit, u know...