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  1. IronTurtle

    pH Lockout? Or Other Problem?

    I say magnesium deficiency. Try calmag. Turtle
  2. IronTurtle

    Problems with her getting a bit too heavy

    I like to put hooks in the wall and then tie the branches with some sort of string and attach that to the hook to keep them up. It's a good problem to have though! Turtle
  3. IronTurtle

    Nutrient dosage question

    Yeah just ph'd water for the first couple of weeks.
  4. IronTurtle

    Nutrient dosage question

    I would wait until they had developed 4-5 sets of adult leaves before I would being nutrient feeding. And make sure you follow the GH schedule. I think its on the web site. Turtle
  5. IronTurtle


    You topped it or you cut the whole top off? How many fan leaves did you cut off?
  6. IronTurtle

    What gets your girls a swelling?

    After week 4 of flowering, I switch to Monster Bloom (0-50-30) and a little Flora series Micro. That's it. I increase the ppm and ph gradually the last weeks and they seem to really enjoy it. Turtle
  7. IronTurtle

    Can someone Identify, Will it work, Can

    I doubt it will work as well as a normal HID light. I want you to still use it though because I really want to see what kind of bud would come out of something like that. I vote try it out. Turtle
  8. IronTurtle

    some advice.

    Also, what kind of soiless mix are you using?
  9. IronTurtle

    some advice.

    So what kind of light do you plan to use for flower? And how many plants do you have in there? What are the overall dimensions of the room (length, width, height)? Do you have any ventilation going on? Many questions indeed grasshopper.... Turtle
  10. IronTurtle

    Cutting her down tomorow morning=]

    Man I don't think you should even be flushing that OG purple yet. keep that shit going. turtle
  11. IronTurtle

    some advice.

    If you are using a soiless mix why are you cutting down your feedings to once every 3 days? You should be feeding them once a day right now for 5-15min. Your plants will probably at least double in size once you switch to 12/12, so using that information you should make a decision. Your...
  12. IronTurtle

    Turtle's 2000W HPS 4 Strain Capp Ebb and Grow Journal

    Alright, so. Most of the seedlings now have about 4 sets of adult leaves, so I plan on beginning nutrient feeding soon. Right now I am putting them in the water reservoir for about 10 minutes, once per day. Once I can see roots poking through the bottoms I will put them in the smart pots in...
  13. IronTurtle

    Need Help on Grow Room Design Please +rep

    If I were you, I would buy an AC unit and cut an area out of the door large enough to hold it. If there is an attic or maybe some sort of space above your ceiling you could run a decent exhaust to that area. Buy at least 1 oscillating fan. I would also buy a 600hps for flowering, with some...
  14. IronTurtle

    GH Subculture M & B help needed PLEASE

    So I recently purchased the GH subculture M & B and am a little confused on how to use it exactly.... My seedlings are at the point where they are ready to begin nutrient feeding and I know you are supposed to start with the M and then use the B later on. I was thinking of making a separate...
  15. IronTurtle

    Ebb and Flow Feeding Schedule Question

    I have seedlings that have just grown their 4th set of leaves so I will begin nutrient feedings here shortly. They are under 1000w hps 24 hr on and right now I am watering them once a day for about 10 min. They seem to be doing fine for right now. Any suggestions on when to begin increasing...
  16. IronTurtle

    Importance of CO2

    You would have much better results if you added supplemental co2. Today the amount of co2 in the air is generally around 300ppm. At one point in time natural co2 levels neared 1500ppm. Adding co2 into your grow room would probably be the best solution and you would undoubtedly see good...
  17. IronTurtle

    will my setup grow me a pound a plant

    Dude if you got a pound overall out of that space I would be impressed.
  18. IronTurtle

    Turtle's 2000W HPS 4 Strain Capp Ebb and Grow Journal

    Anybody have a good recommendation as far as a foliar spray? I was thinking liquid light with the penetrator but I wasn't completely sold on it.
  19. IronTurtle

    Turtle's 2000W HPS 4 Strain Capp Ebb and Grow Journal

    I plan to veg until about half of the floor space is covered, if that makes an sense. It's hard to see the ebb and flow system but I have it spaced out pretty evenly and there should be adequate space for growth. Not sure how long it will take since this is my first time using co2 and am...