Search results

  1. mialee47

    glass or paper?

    haha gloomysmokes, you got that right. smoke all the time, every time! one love- love, stacey
  2. mialee47

    glass or paper?

    okay. i was just sitting here at my computer completely blitzed and was wondering what to smoke next. i have always been a complete glass fanatic, but, alas, as of late i have been craving the blunts and paper goodness. its like a whole different experience, you know? so anyways, i was just...
  3. mialee47

    ill be your best friend....

    ouch. thanks.
  4. mialee47

    ill be your best friend....

    if you go to and vote for me! i put a thread in last night, but forgot an s. typical space case stacey. but i would be forever grateful if you help make my dream come true! peace love and lots of smoke, me:weed:
  5. mialee47

    Miss Hightimes

    so i am running for miss hightimes and was wondering what you stoners thought. go to help make my dream come true! also, have a good night and dont get too wasted :peace: and love, me :bigjoint:
  6. mialee47

    Idiot Growers Are Going To Ruin It For Everyone

    wait a minute. no kid is ever gonna die from weed. that last quote is stupid.
  7. mialee47

    born to smoke

    hi everyone! my name is stacey and i am a smoker from ohio. i joined this site because i believe in legalization and am just looking around. soooooo... nice to meet you. have a good night! you know you want to.:joint: