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  1. C

    Space brownies and cloneing

    For 1 how do u make space brownies an way do u put in them for 2 how old do indoor plants need to be before u clone an also do u have to use clone x an all the chemical stuff or can u cut an plant
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    Ok this has nothing todo with growing. But my plants are about ready to harvest an I was woundering the right way to make space brownies??
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    to many lights

    Yea I'm not around alot like not in town but there us houses around mine and I keep a close check on the heat so I don't worry about that
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    how can i change for the better

    Where do I get tht an how much is it
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    how can i change for the better

    im allready on 12/12 ive been on it since week 4
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    to many lights

    where would i get a hps light an how much would it be
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    to many lights

    is this to many lights for just two plants?
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    how can i change for the better

    ok this is my set up for my two beatuiful girls. im just woundering how i can make it better or well the lighting anyway cause the tops are blockin the light from the rest thats y i have those other two. Is that plenty of light for them right now or do i need to make adjustments for the better...
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    Cloaning the woman

    Ok I have tried looking this up an can't find an answere? When I cloan do I have to use all the chemical stuff or can I just simply plant it into a jiffy. When do I know when the right time is to clip off of the female plant to even cloan??? I'm new to cloaning but I have a female plant an I...
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    when to change pot or soil

    Thanks man an I think I see the hairs on 1 or 2 an when should I transfer into a bigger buccet an if I just add more soil should I just take the plants out an add a lil more soil than place back into these buckets or just put soil on top of the existing soil
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    when to change pot or soil

    how much longer do you think it will be before i need to add more soil an or get a bigger buccet if so wat size an how much longer till i can tell the sex this thursday they will be 5 weeks old
  12. C

    Huge leaves!!! That might block light

    Ok my plant has huge leaves on one stem an the other is starting to grow another set of leaves inbetween the main stem an the second stem so the top stem has the huge leaves so to I need to trim the leaves to let light get to them? If so how
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    Rank Ass Smelling plant

    What do u actually mean like a bad smell? An if so wats something it smells like? Does it smell like mold?
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    Help quick what does this mean

    Ok thanks you all an I planted it out side an no the smell doesn't matter but I'm growin 5 indoors now an when I have a female I'm goin to keep only one an than clone it so right now since I had so many the smell was worrying me an I've looked up stuff an it doesn't give me the answere to what I...
  15. C

    Help quick what does this mean

    Ok an no they aren't the same strain an yea I know I put them on the budding cycle when they were 2 weeks old after I germinated them an planted them. An I take very good an close care of them like they are my children lmao. But yea usually how many weeks until u can tell the sex tho?
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    Help quick what does this mean

    Wat type of info do u need
  17. C

    Help quick what does this mean

    Ok I have 6plants growing an my room started to stink so I took 1 medium sized one out it's about 5 in tall the others are about 7 in an when I took it out the smell was gone!! So was it just that one that stunk so bad? Do I need to get it back? An this Thursday they will be 4 weeks old so about...
  18. C

    My Plant Is 4Wks Into Flowering Need Help Please

    Usually when u see orange hairs is when they are ready but the only 100 %. way to tell is through a magnifyin glass 1 that's stronger than 30X zoom
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    how much longer

    how much longer untill i can tell the sex of the biggest plants here an i take new pix every mornin. An also I am in the 12/12 light state with the biggest ones well they all are but those are the reason for the 12/12
  20. C

    how much longer

    how much longer