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  1. d00msday88

    Indoor 2 outdoor transplant

    Check this shit out.. probably what I will be using as well...
  2. d00msday88

    Anyone have experience with CowPots?

    :arrow:bump No one has tried this before? They are made with cow manure so im not sure if it would help or hurt the young seedlings!
  3. d00msday88

    starting indoor for outdoor

    Haha no worries :weed: But since you asked.. This year will be my 2nd grow attempt(1st one was unsuccessful, about 3 years ago when i was in high school, i tried to grow in my parents basement.. but they found out like 2 weeks after i had built the grow cabinet and everything LOL.) So this...
  4. d00msday88

    Plans for outdoor grow

    A good indicator for what exactly? Good indicator that the area with tall grass is a [B]good[B] area to grow? or does that mean its a shitty place?
  5. d00msday88

    Anyone have experience with CowPots?

    I came accross this site and these look interesting.. I wanted to know if anyone has had experience with them, if they are worth getting? I'm looking for something to germinate my seeds in. I would most likely buy the 3" pots and then transplant...
  6. d00msday88

    starting indoor for outdoor

    Thanks for that site Perkie! Been looking for something like that for a while now:mrgreen:
  7. d00msday88

    starting indoor for outdoor

    This is the exact concern that I have about starting my grow. I am planning to germinate 5 feminized plants indoors around mid-March, then plan to transplant them outdoors around mid-April. Will April have similar light periods of 18-6? I would think it would have less then that. If so would...