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  1. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    i am in week 3 of flower. so i should or should not add nutrients?
  2. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Ozone prevention

    read this::
  3. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Ozone prevention

    your lights are worthless, get cfls the very least
  4. xxxlambgoatxxx


    try google.. its AMAZING! or try here:
  5. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Plants are too long to support themselves

    get 5 foot wood dowels and secure the plant to it. like they do with tomatoes...something like this... oh wait they are in water... i'm stupid
  6. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    i put two of the three plants into 14 quarts (3 and a 1/2 gallon) i didnt have enough potting soil to do all three. i will do the third after work today. i did the same compost to sand to potting soil mix. the soil is Miracle Grow Moisture control potting soil. it says it feeds the plant for 3...
  7. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    to hell with this i'm going to lowes to get some buckets. thanks everyone hope this helps
  8. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    yes i drilled five or six holes in the bottom of each bottle, when i water them i water until the water drains out.
  9. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    will being root bound effect budding? i dont want them to grow anymore, i just want it to flower now
  10. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    they are in 2 liter coke bottles, this is a pic of the roots of a male plant i killed about a week ago (this plant was in a 6inch pot
  11. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    i was afraid of burning the plants, i've moved the plants as far away from the heater, now i am at about 70. i cant attach the photos because they are too big but here is a link to FLICKR.
  12. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    i dont think so, its not burning the plants, and when i put the back of my hand between the tops and the light its not too hot. its about 6 inches away.
  13. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Pics of my droopy plants TLNR

    1) PICTURE OF PLANT *** VERY IMPORTANT *** 2) Growing indoor or outdoors- INDOORS 3) Watering schedule- EVERY OTHER DAY 4) Growing Medium- MIXED COMPOST, POTTING SOIL AND SAND 5) What stage of growth- 9 WEEKS OLD 3 IN FLOWER ok here goes: I am growing in my basement that is about 45 to 55...
  14. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Welcome New Members!

    Howdy, I'm new to MJ growing and trying my first grow. Have 150Watt HPS and three 100 CFLs and two 20 watt 2 foot florescent. Right now I am at 3 weeks flowering, and fear the cold is slowing my bud growth (gets to about 55 fahrenheit at night) anyway the plants seem ok (as in not dying). I...
  15. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Red Stems, curling leaves, and yellow spots

    red stems could be from cold or nitrogen deficiency, make sure temp is warm enough. check your NPK levels.. and upload a pic!
  16. xxxlambgoatxxx

    Newbie Grow, Yellow Leaves. Nitrogen problem?

    good info, having the same issues
  17. xxxlambgoatxxx

    too yellow or am i paranoid

    i'm going to give them some grow and see what happens thanks for weighing in! do you think i should get some aluminum sulfate? my ph tester is a piece of trash but says my ph is over 7. could this be effecting the plant?
  18. xxxlambgoatxxx

    too yellow or am i paranoid

    i'm 3 weeks into flowering though, i thought i should switch to the bloom. I have pistils sprouting, but i also have purple stems and branches. i will go back to the grow but when should i start using the bloom?
  19. xxxlambgoatxxx

    My timer got screwed up, what should I do...?

    just go to 24/0. it will make them grow faster
  20. xxxlambgoatxxx

    NPK Nutrients?

    veg- Better Grow Orchid Grow-20-14-13 flower- Better grow Orchid Bloom- 11-35-15. is this too much? i seem to have some yellowing issues on older leaves, and the edges of leaves.