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  1. J

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thanks for the quick reply businessmen. Some of the smaller plants are starting to get quite a few dark hairs. In your opinion should I just let them go the full 70 days?
  2. J

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Has anyone had ak's finish in less than 70 days? Mine are at day 45 and they don't look like they should take another 25 days. Just wondering if anyone here had ak's that finished early. Mine have been under 1200ppm co2 for entire grow. I have some pics on a post from yesterday. Thanks
  3. J

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Here are a few pics of my tallest ak. She is 60cm. The other nine are between 35cm and 55cm tall. The picture quality isn't the greatest, sorry.
  4. J

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I'm growing 10 auto ak's. They are at day 44 and the smell from the grow room is almost totally gone. At day 30 the odor was overpowering. Is this good or bad? Also, will autos finish faster with CO2 enrichment? I've been at around 1200ppm through the whole grow. Thanks