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  1. Bonesplitter

    Goodbye Bill of Rights, Obama Signs NDAA Welcome to the 4th Reich.
  2. Bonesplitter

    Patriot Act to Be Extended 4 years

    There's nothing patriotic about the PATRIOT Act. It's a complete violation of our civil rights. Oh yeah, Ron Paul 2012!
  3. Bonesplitter

    400w DWC WW GROW

    Those are some sick WW plants, man. Nice job.
  4. Bonesplitter

    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    You have to be as retarded as the shooter was in order to think that he was a "right-winger/libertarian". Among his favorite books was The Communist Manifesto. His former classmates called him a liberal and as it stands he was pissed off that he didn't receive public housing. If you want to...
  5. Bonesplitter

    This Is Why Wheeler Was Found In A Dump!

    The government runs the media. An journalists investigating this will most likely be gagged.
  6. Bonesplitter

    Stoner's views on Barack Obama as President

    I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries and didn't even bother voting in the general election. Obama is the worst President this country has had in its history for a number of reasons: -More troops have died in Afghanistan under Obama than under Bush -Obama sent 40000 more troops to Afghanistan...
  7. Bonesplitter

    Federal Reserve Bails Out American Express, Verizon, Toyota, GE, and FOREIGN banks

    You don't understand basic economics if you think any taxpayers will profit from this. The money the Federal Reserve is 'loaning' at near zero-interest is being printed and electronically created. The fiat currency is being debased and heavily inflated. The only people who will profit are the...
  8. Bonesplitter

    Federal Reserve Bails Out American Express, Verizon, Toyota, GE, and FOREIGN banks

    This pisses me off beyond belief. The Federal Reserve was forced to release data that showed that it secretly bailed out foreign banks like UBS and Deutsche Bank, corporations, and other groups with $3.3 Trillion dollars. These unelected thugs are stealing our money and just handing it over to...
  9. Bonesplitter

    How Many Libertarians Out There?

    Regarding guns, I like this quote: "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides...
  10. Bonesplitter

    Catnip, Basil And Lavender Same Grow Room?

    No, cross pollination would never occur between two different species of plants. It's like asking if there would be cross breeding if you placed a dog and a fish together in the same room.
  11. Bonesplitter

    To Atheist: Do You Believe That You Have A SOUL?

    Though atheism simply means the denial of the existence of an imaginary skyman, most if not all atheists are logically consistent and believe there is no "soul". It's all just electrons, man.
  12. Bonesplitter

    The Ground Zero Mosque debate.

    It all comes down to private property rights. We contend that we have the right to grow whatever the fuck we want on our land and the Muslim owners of that land in NYC should be able to build whatever they want. There isn't outrage over Catholic churches being built in Oklahoma City after a...
  13. Bonesplitter

    Ron Paul defends Park 51

    From what I've read about Dennis Kucinich so far, he seems like a great guy. While I do think that individuals have varying issues they believe are important, I don't think that someone like Ron Paul should be dismissed simply because of his stance on abortion, which would just be to leave the...
  14. Bonesplitter

    What Is A Good Plant To Grow Along Side Marijuana?

    I suggest growing cucumber plants since they tend to climb quickly and grow pretty tall.
  15. Bonesplitter

    What's In Your Garden?

    Rutgers, Cherry, Plum tomatoes Habenero, Cayenne, Jalapeno, Bell peppers Ichiban Eggplant Cajun Okra Carrots Zuchini Green Beans Cucumbers Watermelon I'm starting my Fall garden right now.
  16. Bonesplitter

    What's The Best Way To Germinate Seeds?

    Just leave them in a small cup of water. If you're dealing with vegetable seeds and flower seeds, you really don't need to be too careful since they don't cost much.
  17. Bonesplitter

    The 24 Types of Libertarian

    Bare bones libertarian philosophy simply argues that people should be able to do as they please so long as they don't impede upon the rights of others. Anarcho-capitalism is the logical conclusion to that.
  18. Bonesplitter

    Ron Paul defends Park 51

    The libertarian stance on abortion is that the baby is occupying the woman's body and could be considered to be violating her property rights. I'm a libertarian and "pro-choice", but I still support Ron Paul. Anyone who rules out supporting Ron Paul over one issue is screwing us all over. Ron...